A adolescência e seu significado evolutivo

1893 palavras 8 páginas
Adolescence (from Latin : adolescere meaning "to grow up") [ 1 ] is a transitional stage of physical and psychological human development generally occurring between puberty and legal adulthood ( age of majority ). [ 1 ] [ 2 ] The period of adolescence is most closely associated with the teenage years, [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] although its physical, psychological and cultural expressions can begin earlier and end later. RESENHA
Adolescência uma fase de transição da física e psicológica do desenvolvimento humano geralmente ocorre entre a puberdade e legal a idade adulta idade da maioridade. O período da adolescência é mais estreitamente associado a aspectos dissolutivos embora suas expressões físicas, psicológicas e culturais podem começar mais cedo e terminar mais tarde. For example, although puberty has been historically associated with the onset of adolescent development, it now typically begins prior to the teenage years and there has been a normative shift of it occurring in preadolescence , particularly in females (see early and precocious puberty ). [ 3 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] Physical growth, as distinct from puberty (particularly in males), and cognitive development generally seen in adolescence, can also extend into the early twenties. In popular culture, many adolescent characteristics are attributed to physical changes and raging hormones. [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] There is little evidence that this is the case, however.Na cultura


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