Hackers e Crackers

4514 palavras 19 páginas

ABSTRACT: In our world that now lived, where the technology is everywhere and making almost whole task type or work, being every more necessary day for our survival, he/she becomes necessary we know the people that turned that possible, who are the people that protect that system and who are your enemies, for like this if we don't deceive in the hour of we argue on some flaw in a system or software, ending for to accuse the wrong person or to make a mistake and changing the paper of Hackers for Crackers. Like this, we will know what each one of them helped in our society, which each one brought of good or bad, for the technology, and we will see that the times until the bad things it comes for the good, then some negative points will also have your positive side in the it historizes, collaborating in something, even if the times he/she has to harm for that. And how we see Hackers and Crackers it had depended on the perspective that we analyzed the case.

RESUMO: No nosso mundo que atualmente vivemos, onde a tecnologia está em toda parte e fazendo quase todo tipo de tarefa ou trabalho, sendo cada dia mais necessário para nossa sobrevivência, se torna necessário conhecermos as pessoas que tornaram isso possível, quem são as pessoas que protegem esse sistema e quem são seus inimigos, para assim não se enganarmos na hora de argumentarmos sobre alguma falha num sistema ou software, acabando


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