Projeto criação de cabras

16505 palavras 67 páginas
Viabilidade da produção intensiva de gado caprino

Mário Miguel Gamito Tojinha Pereira

Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em
Engenharia Agronómica na opção especialização em
Economia Agrária e Gestão do Território

Orientador: Doutor Francisco Ramos Lopes Gomes da Silva, Professor Auxiliar do Instituto Superior de Agronomia da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Presidente: Doutor Manuel Fernando Belo Moreira, Professor Catedrático do Instituto
Superior de Agronomia da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Vogais: - Doutor Raul da Fonseca Fernandes Jorge, Professor Associado do Instituto
Superior de Agronomia da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
- Doutor Francisco Ramos Lopes Gomes da Silva, Professor Auxiliar do
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For this was created a standard farm, in intensive system, whose main production is the milk but the product, goat meat, will also be appreciated.
Were defined farm’s operating conditions, bearing in mind that a deeper study, or the practice, could come to put in question some of the technical options taken, and make clear the need for change.
The goats are permanently closed into a stable, which will require the construction of 1344 square meters of covered area, providing about 1.5 square meters per animal, and each park will have an equal area outdoors.
The facilities also include a milking room with a capacity for 24 simultaneous milking goats in, and a storage capacity of 2110 litres of milk.
About the effective, it will be composed of 600 goats and 20 billy-goats of


granadina” breed.
The productive data, of various breeds, were analyzed, particular five Portuguese breeds and two foreign breeds, but we have chosen “Murciano-granadina” believing that this would be that would lead to better results.
In terms of labour, farm will have 3 full-time employees, although there are times of large peaks of work.
Was still defined a standard goat, that will be the mean goat in terms of production and consumption. This goat with about 60 kg bodyweight, which produces 720 litres of milk in 305 days of lactation, being dry 60 days per year, has 80% of fertility, produces on average 1.8 kid goats by birth and has interval between births of


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