> Historia
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History and evolution of the scientific thought

Enviado por Euler Ruiz

Partes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Historical precedents
  4. The knowledge intellectual
  5. The philosophical problems and his characteristics
  6. Differences between phylosophy and sciences
  7. The movement of the matter and the sensory organs
  8. The act of the perception
  9. The system perceptual and the sensitive world
  10. The imagination as mental process
  11. The human conscience
  12. The scientific thought
  13. The scientific method and the general methods
  14. The phases of the scientific method
  15. Election of the topic
  16. Theoretical frame
  17. Making of hypothesis
  18. Observation
  19. Reflection
  20. Bibliografia
  21. Thanks


From the antiquity, the human being has worried about transmitting his experiences, his skills, his myths, his credence, his desires, and wishes. Once man appears on the Planet earth, it faces and realizes that one exists without end of problems and obstacles; which it is resolving in an intuitive and gradual way, with great difficulty due to his scarce one or little experience of the events that him were arising and presenting him to him.

More nevertheless, similar raisin the time is invented its own hardware, which come to be an extension of his hands or of his both top and low extremities.

The natural phenomena and the needs that present him to him force it to try to give some response as a natural reaction product of the external and internal stimuli of which it turns out to be fastened.

Little by little he is realizing that it possesses certain virtues and completely different (cognitive) characteristics that the low animals. And it is like that, since the awakening of the conscience begins, being allowed him to realize of certain events that were presenting him to him with certain period of recurrence. But it was across thinking, learning, observing and relating that it began to fix the information that it was obtaining of his daily activities, and this way he was constructing his thought from the experience and the challenges that every day was to his step.

In agreement, with the previous thing it is possible to say that, the history and evolution of the scientific thought is the result of big sacrifices and dedication of generations that of one or another form they have contributed and impelled the development and evolution of the humanity.

Some persons, they have to wonder: how and of what way does he contribute the development of the scientific thought in explaining and describing the processes that are a part of the natural and social phenomena? The Greek HERODOTO, who lived in the V Th century B.C., is thought the father of the history. He travelled round the whole Mediterranean, and then he wrote a titled work History, in which it counted what he had seen.

Some historians as Herodoto, have given themselves the task of transmitting us and of putting at the disposal of the humanity, the events of his time, where it is possible to appreciate like every culture it strained in leaving something for the posterity as: constructions that are erected forming big monuments, colossal works where it appreciates the multiple forms of the human thought and the creativity.

According to Aristotle (384-322 to. of C.), all the alive beings also have the aptitude to feel (they perceive and have emotions) the world of his environment and to move in the nature. More nevertheless, the human beings have also the aptitude to think or to reason, or, in other words, of to arrange his sensations in several groups and classes. The human being has feelings, emotions, and the aptitude to move as the animals, but also a capacity, which only has the human being, and is that of thinking rationally and emotionally; to be or acquiring a level or state of conscience. Which allows him and helps to understand in a conscious way all the processes to which he turns out to be submitted during his interaction in the society and in the world.

The origin of the universe, the solar system, and the life of the plants and animals that are a part of the Planet earth have been some of the questions that the man has brought with it from generation to generation. It is possible to say that, from the year 1760 until 2006, they are almost 246 years in which gradually one has come gestating and developing the scientific and technological thought.

Nevertheless, there even stays a lot of work that to realize. It is necessary to take in account that; if the man perishes or is destroyed, then also the thought perishes; if the man transforms also then also the nature and the society will be able to manage to transform.

The human being constructs the culture, and the culture the transforms to him, it is suitable to reflect up to where it wants to come and which are the general targets of the goals of the human being; since the scientific and technological knowledge is infinite, if the nature is infinite in his multiple forms and movements of the changes of the matter then the object of study of the phenomena becomes infinite.

It is important that, the researcher across the scientific knowledge as the only viable and sure way to investigate, to understand, to analyze and to describe the human nature, and the processes that appear in the nature and in the society, encourages and strengthens it so that the future generations are provided with a cognitive instrument that should guarantee them to describe and to understand the reality of the sensitive world.

It is like that, like the material present that I put at his disposal tries to transmit and of present in a simple and clear way the history and evolution of the scientific thought, like a set of knowledge that arise after the myth, superstition and religion; whose knowledge has served as base and foundation for the construction of the science.

Partes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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