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    1. Abstract
    2. Resumen
    3. Bibliography


    This article analyses the importance of the development
    of accuracy in pronunciation mainly in students from pedagogical
    institutes who will have to be models of pronunciation in their
    future work. It also calls the attention upon the fact that
    teachers should know the phonological system as well as the
    system of error correction of the target language so to apply it
    in or outside the classroom. It touches on different styles of
    correction, evaluation and the steps to follow to correct
    pronunciation mistakes.


    El artículo analiza la importancia del desarrollo de
    la exactitud en la pronunciación, principalmente en los
    estudiantes de los institutos superiores pedagógicos que
    serán modelos en la
    pronunciación como una habilidad profesional en su futuro
    trabajo. También llama la atención a los profesores sobre la
    necesidad de conocer el sistema
    fonológico de la lengua
    así como también el sistema de corrección de
    la lengua extranjera para poder
    aplicarlo dentro o fuera del aula. Otros aspectos que se
    consideran son los diferentes estilos a utilizar para corregir
    errores, la evaluación
    y los pasos a seguir para corregir los errores.

    Through years teachers and students have been aware of
    the complexity that entails the process of foreign language
    teaching. This fact lies on the great variety of elements to take
    into consideration along the process___the different abilities :
    listening, speaking, reading and writing; and other elements like
    pronunciation, vocabulary usage, grammar rules and their usage,
    style, etc.___which has to be analyzed as a whole and/or apart
    depending on the moment, since they all function as a system in
    anything you say.If one of this elements is wrongly used, the
    teacher has to discriminated and correct it at once. To do this
    task properly teacher trainers have to be fast and effective not
    to lose the concentration of the students and to abstract the
    wrong item and correct it tactfully.

    Accuracy is a goal that every teacher seeks and looks
    forward to. But accuracy in pronunciation is very hard to get and
    demands constant effort on both sides___ that on the
    teacher’s and the student’s.

    Problems in pronunciation are detected at once because
    people notice them before other problems, which are sometimes
    disregarded because they follow the context. But when
    pronunciation is not as accurate as it needs to be, that is, the
    listener has to make an effort to decode the sounds, the message
    is hindered with the subsequent break in the line of

    Paul Tench stated that: "The learner needs to imitate
    the teacher’s pronunciation of whole utterances in context,
    imitating not only the features of consonants, vowels and
    diphthongs, but rhythm and intonation too. He also needs specific
    practice for certain pronunciation items which he finds awkward
    and difficult…"

    In order to carry out drills to correct errors, efforts
    have to be made to motivate the students since willingness is
    very important because the students with problems in the
    production of sounds will have to work overtime and exert effort.
    On the other hand, teachers have to clear out the importance of a
    good command of the phonological system___being intelligible or
    getting to be a model___ depending on the objectives of the
    course. In our particular case, teacher trainers have to be
    careful and demand from the students an accurate pronunciation as
    close as that of a cultivated English speaker since they will
    have to teach the language to others.

    The science of phonetics is closely related to the
    teaching of English as a foreign language. Teacher trainers are
    expected to know how to describe, classify, and analyze the sound
    system of the language in question. Phonetics provides for the
    development of these abilities.

    Having these factors in mind, it can be said that there
    is an important premise teachers in charge have to master when
    dealing with TEFL and it is through the knowledge of the
    phonological system and the basic principles of phonetic
    correction (error analysis). These two factors should function as
    one because when trying to achieve accuracy in pronunciation
    (which should be done during the elementary stage so as to save
    time to devote it later to develop abilities or other aspects of
    the language in question) the teacher has to bear in mind that
    the majority of the mistakes are to be produced and expected at
    the beginning and that it is the task of the teacher to correct
    them following the standards of the pronunciation involved or the
    objectives proposed.

    Paul Tench expressed that: "If pronunciation is not
    dealt with first of all, it is possible that a pronunciation
    matter might interfere with the practice of a new feature, and
    the teacher has two problems on his hands, simultaneously___ the
    new feature and the new pronunciation problem."

    In reality, sometimes the process of error corrctiopn is
    not effective because the teachers of English as foreign language
    do not know how to balance the two premises aforementioned. It is
    the objective of this article to help somehow on this

    It is obvious that teacher trainers on FLT are familiar
    with the phonological system of the language involved, but it so
    happens that the system of corrective phonetics is not
    consciously applied because they may not know how to carry out
    the process of error correction productively using the tools of
    corrective phonetics.

    It is true that teachers of EFL have their time
    scheduled and have to keep in mind many facts which are not only
    about the language, but also about methodological and
    psychological (mainly motivational) aspects or

    Correcting a student can be disturbing for him and for
    the normal pace of the class. There is also the question of when
    correction can be made: on the spot? At the end?
    Outside the classroom?That is for the teacher to decide.
    But there is a serious problem. Sometimes for the sake of doing
    things on time and follow the steps of the lesson without
    interruption,etc., teachers do pay due attention to problems in
    pronunciation which unfortunately will be fixed and consequently
    there might be no solution later on: the wrong pattern will stay
    forever in the pronunciation of the students.

    Steven H. Mc Donough said: "At each stage the
    teacher’s decision will be influenced by a number of
    considerations, such as the importance of the error, its
    frequency in the class, weather the correct version is in fact
    known to the students, possible loss of face by the student, or
    undesirable gloating by other students. All these decisions have
    to be taken fast in order not to interrupt the flow of the

    Sometimes the process of correcting mistakes gets to be
    too individualized because there is only one student with a
    certain problem. So the teaching process gets to be too private
    leaving the rest of the students by themselves. But pronunciation
    drills for error correction, individual or collective, should be
    carried out for the sake of the quality of the pronunciation of
    our students. If the teacher trainer has to leave the rest of the
    students on their own for too long, then he can stop the
    correction and continue later on. When?

    The answer accounts for flexibility: inside the
    classroom or outside, whenever or wherever the teacher or the
    student might feel comfortable. When pronunciation problems are
    not generalized it is better to work with them outside for
    several reasons:

    • The normal pace of the class is not
    • The students with pronunciation problems will not
      have to put up with a "difficult moment in front of their
    • The teacher has more time to assess the problem in
      detail and find a proper solution.
    • The students have more time to adjust to the solution
      and practice the language.

    This suffices the question of when, but

    Firstly, the the teacher should know what the mistake is
    about, what the cause is and decide if it is too disruptive or
    repetitive that might form a wrong model. Secondly, depending on
    what was said before, the teacher should decide when the
    correction can be carried out and in what way.

    The description, explanation and correction of mistakes
    in pronunciation can be effected through two different ways:
    correction from the side of the teacher, and self-correction
    within the group of students. The latter springs from the former,
    that is , through familiarizing the students with error
    correction the teacher indirectly develops abilities and habits
    of self-correction.

    Teachers should develop abilities of self-correction
    within the group. It is quite useful because it is one of the
    ways of centering the attention of the group when one of the
    students is making use of the language, for they will not only be
    attentive to the content but also to the form. This gives them
    the opportunity to express their doubts about ways of expression
    that might not be familiar to them.

    In our particular case, this technique prepare the
    students on their future work on error correction once they
    become English teachers. What is more, there are cases when there
    is a supposed mistake in pronunciation when in fact there is not.
    On the other hand, The responsibility of error correction does
    not fall entirely upon the shoulders of the teacher, which may be
    a positive psychological factor because the students will be
    corrected by their fellow classmates, and it is up to a certain
    extent a compromise with his peers. When teaching a foreign
    language teachers have to pay attention to many aspects related
    to the language, so there might be the case that he might miss
    any, but if the students are well trained, one of them at least
    might detect it and call attention upon it.

    With this type of correction a sort of competence is
    established, that is, one student is able to correct another one,
    it will mean that the one to make the mistake is supposed to know
    already because the other one does. So this particular student
    will get conscious that he has to do something about it. It may
    motivate him to work harder and pay more attention. It also
    serves as self-evaluation.

    When the correction is made completely on the party of
    the teacher, the student may think that the teacher may use any
    particular part of the language because he knows already and has
    experience.He is still learning, so he will expect the teacher to
    be forgiving and not demand too much from him. He will have more
    time to work later on to solve the problem___ which might never
    happen.The motivation to solve the problem might not be as strong
    as when it comes from one of his classmates.

    When the correction is made on the part of the teacher
    there are different steps to follow in order to solve the problem

    • Assess the mistake.
    • Establish the cause.
    • Determine the objective or objectives.
    • Choose the appropriate corrective technique or
    • Decide where to make the correction and/or if the
      students will participate in the process.

    The process of phonetic correction has to be fast in
    order to be expedient and effective. Besides, it demands
    expertise because the teacher has to discriminate pronunciation
    problems among a myriad of other elements and

    Fortunately, corrective phonetics offers a system of
    techniques to improve the quality of pronunciation in EFL
    students.The first possible step is that teachers get familiar
    with it and put it into practice.

    Steven H. Mc. Donough said: "(…) It is clear that
    avoidance of error is impossible; tolerance of error may be
    unproductive, but prediction and diagnoses of error may be


    • Tench, Paul. Pronunciation Skills. Fundación
      de la Imprenta Nacional de Cuba,

    – Lectures on English Phonetics and Phonology. Compiladores
    Faustino Sotto

    Vazquez et al. Ministerio de Educación, 1982. Ed.
    Pueblo y Educación.

    • Gimson, A.C. An Introduction to the pronunciation of
      English.La Habana, Ed Pueblo y Educacion, 294 p.
    • Gonzales Rey, F.Comunicación, Personalidad
      y Desarrollo.
    • Mc. Donough, Steven H. Psychology in foreign Language
      Teaching. Edicion Revolucionaria. 164 p.




    Ana Roque del Toro.

    Assistant Professor at Teachers’ Training College,
    Holguín, Cuba.

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