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Freedom and the Human Being

Enviado por fermifa

    The definition of human freedom varies in every culture
    and political ideology.

    There is no specific or unique idea that would encompass
    all the possible variations that this concept may suffer and
    furthermore, we do not have the right to say which of these
    definitions is more correct.

    As Gearts expresses, communities need ideologies to
    support each other and be able to develop. By imagining a line
    where we could draw conclusions on these theories based on the
    spectrum of the comparisons, it is possible to see the variations
    of these theories and the extent to which they allow for true
    human freedom.

    From Communism, Socialism, Conservatism, Fascism, and
    Nazism, the following paper will compare and contrast the
    possibilities that each of these systems gives to the achievement
    of self actualization by the societies which they

    First of all, the political and economic theory of
    socialism advocates that land, natural resources and industries
    should be owned by the community as a whole and not by
    individual, private groups.

    The best way to carry on with this ideology is through
    the application of a communist social system where all property
    including the aforementioned benefits, would be owned equally by
    all members of society and they will all work for the common

    In these systems individualism is not seen as a value,
    instead, it is an opposing force to communism in pro of
    capitalism. In people’s democracies as well as in social
    democracies, economic equality and equal distribution can most
    successfully be achieved by the implementation of a communist

    For as long as the State remains powerful and the goals
    of the community are being equally satisfied through the global
    objective of self actualization, then the system can be
    considered as successful at guaranteeing human

    As an opposing force to capitalism and instead of
    promoting the individual freedoms of a person, communism and
    socialism promote the important of working together as a
    community in the achievement of the mutual goals.

    After all, if the goals are mutual, why not work
    together in achieving them and saving energy in the

    Even though these systems seem to put limits on the
    capabilities approach of each person simply because being
    considered as an element of the community and not as an
    individual, it can be seen how the theory of working together for
    common, basic goals seems to be fair and justified.

    The contrasting characteristic of these theories can be
    best explained by the idea of J.S. Mill who explains that the
    rule of ignorant masses can give too much power to unprepared
    individuals who would use tyranny and dictatorships as the only
    manner to keep control.

    Furthermore, putting limits on a person’s
    self-development opportunities goes against the universal
    declaration of human rights, this is why there are other systems
    that offer opposing views and put more emphasis on the superior
    individual work of a single race.

    This is the case of the importance of human freedoms in
    Nazism and Fascism.

    Nazism refers to a socialist based party who takes this
    economic and political theory to the extent of controlling not
    only where the community should focus its efforts in the sake of
    society’s goals, but also believes in the superiority of a
    single race that is naturally entitled to the enjoyment of these

    As well as fascism, extreme right movements are more
    prone to conserving the background characteristics that
    culturally define each of our societies.

    According to John Locke,
    humans will always make decisions that will give them the most
    advantageous position over others and this is a reason for Nazism
    and Fascism to encourage the creation of a single master race
    where the mindsets and morals of all are equally

    Each society has its own norms, beliefs and values with
    its own common and individual goals. This explains why, under
    these two ideologies there is no space for other cultures that
    would try to put themselves in more advantageous positions as the
    one that inherently deserves the occupied territory.

    Jewish people for example, were seen as a culture
    illegally occupying European areas in order to make a profit and
    take advantage of the locals.

    This therefore leads, through the power of the masses
    and the coming to power of ignorant leaders such as Benito
    Mussolini and Adolph Hitler (J.S.
    Mill), to an unsustainable and senseless political system which
    little by little takes away more individual freedoms from the
    community in order to keep tyrannical power.

    There can not be individual freedoms in a society that
    believes in elitism, anti-liberal individualism, survival of a
    master race and other forms of social Darwinism.

    In these communities, only those who are part of the so
    called "master race" are capable of enjoying freedom at the
    expense of the suffering of others.

    Even though we can not blame Nazism and Fascism for the
    results of the genocidal politics of its known leaders during
    World War II, we can generalize that if the success and enjoyment
    of some is based on the suffering and destruction of others, this
    form of government is not placing much importance on the
    individual freedoms of most people.

    Another political system that can be compared and
    contrasted with the theories of communism and socialism is
    expressed in those systems that support conservatism such as the
    United States.

    As mentioned above, communism believes that, as an
    alternative to capitalism, the working together of the community
    will lead to the achievement of common goals in the most
    efficient manner. In conservatism, the ideal of capitalism is
    essential for the success of these societies, thus the
    differences between these two theories will consist on the
    importance that they place on the role of the individual vs. the

    The public and private spheres of communism and
    socialism are characterized by high government control and the
    little opportunity to make individual decisions.

    On the other hand, public and private spheres of
    societies with a more conservative tradition keep government well
    separated from the decision making process of the individual,
    specially at the private sphere level.

    Capitalist theories of conservatism express that
    individual freedom leads to competition among members of society
    and this is the best way to keep people in constant struggle for
    self actualization.

    The truth of this statement is undeniable and can be
    proved by looking at the per capita gross domestic product of the
    United States.

    When people are forced to be individualistic in order to
    achieve individual goals, be more successful and more valuable as
    a member of society, they are not living a very important part of

    On the other hand, the socialist theories that do not
    allow people to become self actualized at their own pace but
    instead, become one more piece of the keyboard equally valuable
    as anyone else, is not allowing for freedom either.

    Socialization as different from socialism is the ability
    to share, understand and mutually engage as a member of a
    community. As Michael Walzer expressed, communal society
    encourages equality and justice.

    Having a multicultural perspective allows for continuous
    development of societies. I believe that the importance of human
    freedom relies on the capabilities of a person to understand
    other cultures, ideologies and political systems with the highest
    amount of cultural sensitivity. Encouraging a society where the
    mutual basic goals can be guaranteed through the communal effort
    gives equal opportunities to all members of society to do all
    that is necessary to continuously achieve self

    The democratic ideal will come naturally as a result of
    the ability of each person to govern oneself as an authentic and
    unique human being.

    The most important anecdote that we can learn from this
    examination is that none of the political and economic systems
    mentioned in this essay can be forced upon the will of any
    society. As seen in Carl Marx’s
    Communist Manifesto, we can not say that capitalism is bad and
    socialism is good. In order to reach socialism Marx declared that
    a capitalist society has to create the proper environment for a
    revolution to take place.

    The unique characteristics of all human beings make
    civilizations different from each other, therefore the natural
    course of action that a political system suffers is in constant
    adaptation to the changing values of a society.

    For as long as we have the power to feel free to express
    our thoughts in regards to the political setting of our society
    and furthermore promote options for change without feeling
    oppressed by the system in control, then we could say we have
    achieved human political freedom.


    ▪ Ball, Terence; Dagger, Richard. Political
    Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal 5th edition.
    New York: Pearson Education, 2004.

    ▪ Ball, Terence; Dagger, Richard. (Burke) Political
    Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal 5th edition.
    New York: Pearson Education, 2004.

    ▪ Ball, Terence; Dagger Richard. Ideals and Ideologies
    Reader 5th edition. New York: Pearson Education,



    Fabio Fermi

    November 25th 2004

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