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All about Splenda

Enviado por Felix Larocca

Partes: 1, 2

    1. Pre-Approval
    2. Other
      adverse effects reported in pre-approval research

    Splenda, also known as sucralose, is artificial
    sweetener which is a chlorinated sucrose derivative. Facts about
    this artificial chemical follow:

    • Pre-Approval

    Pre-approval research showed that sucralose caused
    shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage) and enlarged liver
    and kidneys.

    The manufacturer put forth two arguments in an attempt
    to claim that sucralose is not toxic:

    1. The dose of sucralose in the experiments was high.
      However, for chemicals that do not have generations of safe
      use, the dosage tested must be adjusted for variations in
      potential toxicity within the human population and between
      humans and rodents. In order to this, toxicologists
      estimate a variation of effects in the human population of
      10 times. In other words, one person may not have effects
      until a dose of 10 mg per kg of body weight (10 mg/kg) is
      reached, while another person may have chronic toxicity
      effects at 1 mg per kg of body weight (1 mg/kg). In
      addition, it is well known that many chemicals are much
      more toxic in humans than in rodents (or even monkeys). For
      example, the chemicals that the sweetener aspartame breaks
      down into vary from 5 to 50 times more toxic in humans than
      in rodents. Therefore, toxicologists estimate a further 10
      times the dose for differences between human and rodent
      toxicity for a total of 100 times (10 * 10).

      A person ingesting the TDI for some chemical may
      find that it causes cancer or immune system or neurological
      problems after many years or decades of use. So, if the
      manufacturer claims that the dose was equivalent to 50 diet
      sodas, then the TDI would be one half (1/2) of a diet soda,
      and even that dose may or may not be safe.

    2. In order to estimate a potential safe dose in
      humans, one must divide the lowest dose in given to rodents
      that was seen to have any negative effects on their thymus
      glands, liver or kidneys by 100. That dose is then known as
      the maximum Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) for lifetime use.
      Keep in mind that the TDI is just an estimate. Some chemicals
      are much more than 10 times more toxic in humans than in
      rodents (or will cause cancer in
      humans in low-dose, long-term exposure and do not cause
      cancer in rodents at all).
    3. The manufacturer claimed that the sucralose was
      unpleasant for the rodents to eat in large doses. They said
      that starvation caused the shrunken thymus glands. From the
      New Scientist (23 Nov 1991, pg 13):

    [Toxicologist Judith] Bellin reviewed studies on rats
    starved under experimental conditions, and concluded that their
    growth rate could be reduced by as much as a third without the
    thymus losing a significant amount of weight (less than 7

    The changes were much more marked in rats fed on
    sucralose. While the animals' growth rate was reduced by between
    7 and 20 percent, their thymuses shrank by as much as 40

    Partes: 1, 2

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