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All about Splenda (página 2)

Enviado por Felix Larocca

Partes: 1, 2

  • Other adverse
    effects reported in pre-approval research

    1. Shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage)
    2. Enlarged liver and kidneys. (EO57 &
    3. Atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and
      thymus (EO51, EO56, EO151)
    4. Increased cecal weight (E151)
    5. Reduced growth rate (EO57)
    6. Decreased red blood
      cell count (EO55)
    7. Hyperplasia of the pelvis (EO57)
    8. Extension of the pregnancy period
    9. Aborted pregnancy (E134)
    10. Decreased fetal body weights and placental
      weights (EO32)
    11. Diarrhea
  • Recent Research
    a possible problem with
    caecal enlargement and renal mineralization has been seen in
    post approval animal research.
  • Sucralose Breaks Down
    Despite the
    manufacturer's misstatements, sucralose does break down into
    small amounts of 1, 6-dichlorofructose, a chemical that has not
    been adequately tested in humans.
  • Independent, Long-Term Human Research

    None. Manufacturer's "100's of studies" (some of which show
    hazards) were clearly inadequate and do not demonstrate safety
    in long-term use.
  • Chlorinated Pesticides
    the manufacturer
    claims that the chlorine added to sucralose is similar to the
    chlorine atom in the salt (NaCl) molecule. That is not the
    case. Sucralose may be more like ingesting tiny amounts of
    chlorinated pesticides, but we will never know without
    long-term, independent human research.
  • Conclusion
    While it is unlikely that
    sucralose is as toxic as the poisoning people are experiencing
    from Monsanto's ,
    it is clear from the hazards seen in pre-approval research and
    from its chemical structure that years or decades of use may
    contribute to serious chronic immunological or neurological
  • Addendum (October 2, 2006)
    persons emailing ask questions about sucralose research. What
    follows is a copy of a response one such question.

The answer starts by summarizing the aspartame
(NutraSweet) issue and then addresses the sucralose

Let me start by saying that, as you may know, there
is a quickly growing body of evidence demonstrating the
toxicity of aspartame.
This includes:

  • Recent European research showing that ingesting
    aspartame leads to the accumulation of formaldehyde in the
    brain, other organs and tissues (Formaldehyde has been shown
    to damage the nervous system, immune system, and cause
    irreversible genetic damage in humans.)
  • An extremely large number of toxicity reactions
    reported to the FDA and other organizations
  • A recent report showing that nearly 100% of
    independent research has found problems with

Why is this relevant to the sucralose question? Similar to the
aspartame situation 15 years ago:

  • Pre-approval test
    indicated potential toxicity of sucralose.
  • There are no *independent* controlled human studies
    on sucralose (similar to 15 years ago for
  • There are no long-term (12-24 months) human studies
    of sucralose's effects.
  • There is no monitoring of health effects. It took
    government agencies decades to agree that there were
    countless thousands of deaths from tobacco. Why? Simply
    because there had been no monitoring or epidemiological
    studies. Without such monitoring and studies, huge effects
    can easily go unnoticed.

So, without even addressing the
pre-approval research showing potential toxicity, it is clear
that sucralose has a) no long history (e.g., decades) of safe
use, b) no independent monitoring of health effects, c) no
long-term human studies, and d) no independent human studies. I
would hope that the Precautionary Principle, now commonly used
in Europe, would be a guiding force for people who are
interested in health. Otherwise, we might as well just use any
poorly tested, artificial (lab-created) chemical that has shown
potential for long-term toxicity.

As far as the pre-approval research related to
sucralose…. As you probably know, pre-approval research is
rarely published. It is only available from the FDA by filing a
Freedom of Information Act request. However, you can see a very
short summary regarding sucralose and shrunken thymus glands in
the "New Scientist" (23 November 1991, page 13).

It is very important that people who have any interest
in their health stay aware from
the highly toxic sweetener, aspartame
and other dangerous sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda),
and acesulfame-k (Sunette, Sweet & Safe, Sweet One). Instead,
please see the extensive resources for sweeteners on the
Healthier Sweetener Resource


Available on request.


Dr. Félix E. F. Larocca

Partes: 1, 2
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