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Noise in Baena. Didactic proposals for improving the quality of city life

Partes: 1, 2, 3

    1. Resumen del
    2. Introduction
    3. Objectives of the research
    4. "Short"
      didactic interventions
    5. "Long"
      didactic interventions
    6. Bibliography


    This research project deals with a series of didactic
    interventions about noise carried out in Baena (Córdoba).
    A wide range of social interventions for the prevention of urban
    noise have been proposed and carried out. These activities have
    not only been carried out in the classroom but also in diverse
    social groups (unions, companies, citizens…). The results of
    the didactic interventions carried out have been very
    satisfactory. As general conclusions of our
    research we will point out the following ones:

    1) the "short" didactic activities mobilize concepts and
    activate awareness towards the problem of noise, but they are not
    too effective in building systems of values, in elaborating
    procedures and in promoting attitudes.

    2) the "long" interventions, by means of the employment
    of the constructivist method, are very effective in mobilizing
    procedures, attitudes and values, beyond concepts themselves, as
    well as in activating awareness of the problem generated by


    This research project deals with a series of
    didactic interventions about noise carried out in Baena
    (Córdoba). A wide range of social interventions for
    the prevention of urban noise have been proposed and
    carried out. These activities have not only been carried
    out in the classroom but also in diverse social groups
    (unions, companies, citizens…). The results of the
    didactic interventions carried out have been very


    There is no doubt that an Environmental Education which
    raises awareness and values is fundamental, since the health of
    the Planet is seriously suffering from physical, biological and
    social cancers, irreversible in many cases. It is thus indicated
    in Principle 19 of the Conference on Human Resources of Stockholm
    (1972). Also, the Conference of Tbilisi (1977) clearly set out in
    its First Recommendation the fundamental objective of
    Environmental Education, as well as its definition. It derives
    from the reading of these documents that Environmental Education
    should be aimed at three large, well diversified social groups:
    people at large, specific professional or social groups, as well
    as certain professional and scientific groups.

    It is in this framework that we introduce the problem
    generated by noise. Noise, defined as unwanted sound, can produce
    nuisance, reduce performance, produce fatigue, psychic
    dysfunctions, alterations in behavior and social disturbances.
    For all these reasons, we stress the
    importance of Environmental Education as far as noise is

    Baena, where this research on noise has been carried
    out, is a city located in the southeast of the province of
    Córdoba, 62 kilometers away from the capital. Its
    altitude above the sea level reaches 407 metres. The municipal
    district has an area of 363.3 km2, in which lie the village of
    Albendín and seven large country houses, among which are
    Manosalva and Palomarejo. The population is as high as 20.057. It
    is head of judicial district. Its main economic source is olive
    oil farming.

    The problem worked on in the research is noise in the
    city of Baena, as viewed from Environmental Education. Our
    previous studies demonstrate that the people from Baena consider
    that they live in a noisy city where noise is annoying but
    unavoidable, a perception which is more prominent in working
    environments (shops, industries…). But they take few cautions
    to avoid the consequences of noise.

    In view of this problem that affects the quality of city
    life and public health, it is proposed that educational
    interventions aimed at raising citizens´ awareness are more
    effective than a repressive policy. Furthermore, contributions
    should be made from the areas of didactics and research applied
    for the benefit of all the people.

    Key words: Noise, quality of life, health,
    education, didactic interventions.


    In order to do so, we set out the following objectives
    for the research project:

    1. To elaborate didactic materials addressed to diverse
    social groups of Baena, as well as to pupils in order to make
    them aware of the polluting effects of noise.

    2. To carry out an educational intervention that not
    only keeps people better informed and aware but also creates
    behavior guidelines that lead to take action in the social


    In this research project "short" and "long" didactic
    activities have been carried out on population groups.

    Partes: 1, 2, 3

    Página siguiente 

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