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The Shy Child

Enviado por Felix Larocca

Partes: 1, 2

    1. What Is
    2. What Situations Make Children
      Feel Shy?
    3. Why Are Some
      Children More Shy than Others?
    4. When Is Shyness a
    5. Strategies for
      Helping a Shy Child

    Shyness is a common but little understood emotion.
    Everyone has felt ambivalent or self-conscious in new social
    situations. However, at times shyness may interfere with optimal
    social development and restrict children's learning. This digest
    (1) describes types and manifestations of shyness, (2) reviews
    research on genetic, temperamental, and environmental influences
    on shyness, (3) distinguishes between normal and problematic
    shyness, and (4) suggests ways to help the shy child.

    What Is Shyness?

    The basic feeling of shyness is universal, and may have
    evolved as an adaptive mechanism used to help individuals cope
    with novel social stimuli. Shyness is felt as a mix of emotions,
    including fear and interest, tension and pleasantness. Increase
    in heart rate and blood pressure may occur. An observer
    recognizes shyness by an averted, downward gaze and physical and
    verbal reticence. The shy person's speech is often soft,
    tremulous, or hesitant. Younger children may suck their thumbs:
    some act coy, alternately smiling and pulling away (Izard and
    Hyson, 1986).

    Shyness is distinguishable from two related behavior
    patterns; wariness and social disengagement. Infant wariness of
    strangers lacks the ambivalent approach/avoidance quality that
    characterizes shyness. Some older children may prefer solitary
    play and appear to have low needs for social interaction, but
    experience none of the tension of the genuinely shy

    Children may be vulnerable to shyness at particular
    developmental points. Fearful shyness in response to new adults
    emerges in infancy. Cognitive advances in self-awareness bring
    greater social sensitivity in the second year. Self-conscious
    shyness-the possibility of embarrassment-appears at 4 or 5. Early
    adolescence ushers in a peak of self-consciousness (Buss,

    What Situations Make Children
    Feel Shy?

    New social encounters are the most frequent causes of
    shyness, especially if the shy person feels herself to be the
    focus of attention. An "epidemic of shyness" (Zimbardo and Radl,
    1981) has been attributed to the rapidly changing social
    environment and competitive pressures of school and work with
    which 1980s children and adults must cope. Adults who constantly
    call attention to what others think of the child, or who allow
    the child little autonomy, may encourage feelings of

    Partes: 1, 2

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