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Angove´s St Agnes Brandy

Enviado por Nahum Romero Santana

Partes: 1, 2

    1. Abstract
    2. Direct
      marketing/customer relationship management
    3. Media buying
    4. Angove"s Sales and
      distribution staff
    5. References


    This paper explores the past, and present marketing
    situation of Angove"s wine and distillery Company, and concludes
    by linking all the possibilities for effective and cost effective
    ways to communicate with the market.

    Firstly, historical issues of the company will be stated
    to explain the past and the present. Secondly, issues that are
    affecting the image of the brand will be stated. In addition,
    this paper explores an overview of the Australian and American
    market. Finally, the paper starts to state the possible ways to
    communicate with current and future customers.

    This paper concludes by suggesting to the advertising
    agency, PR company, direct marketing/customer relationship
    management supplier, sales promotion company, media buying house,
    and sales and distribution staff that marketing is approaching an
    era where the most important factor is perception of the
    customer. The development of ideas, and the way that they are
    distributed is crucial for the success of a company.

    "GM"s future depend as much on good
    marketing as good

    Products: "There"s a belief in this
    industry that

    Product is everything- and it"s

    Ron Zarrella

    Angove"s St Agnes was founded in 1886, by Dr. William
    Thomas Angove. The name of the company uses the surname of the
    entrepreneur. Data records show that the family name originates
    from London in the 1500´s. Dr Angoves was a chemist that
    discovered the family formula for wine and brandy production.
    After Dr Angoves, three generations have managed the wine
    business in Australia and overseas. The second generation was
    managed by Thomas Skipper Carlyon Angove. This generation was
    characterized by the growth of the company, from a small business
    to a winery. In this generation, Angove"s St Agnes began
    exporting its products. Thomas William Carlyon was the third and
    perhaps the most successful generation, speaking in terms of
    company growth. Mr. Thomas William Carlyon made the company the
    largest owner of wine growing land in South Australia. Currently
    the business is run by John Carlyon Angove and his daughter
    Victoria, who manages overseas sales (

    During this period Angove"s has developed a good
    reputation for wine and brandy production. The company can store
    fifteen millions liters of wine and other alcohol products. The
    actual operations of the company are located in South Australia.
    During this time the company has been recognized and has achieved
    awards all over the world, as well as some certificates such as
    ISO9001 and HACCP, that make the company more competitive around
    the world (

    Actually the company manages "197.3 hectares that
    produce red grapes and
    279 hectares of white grapes" (,
    nineteen different grapes varieties are grown.

    Angove"s land is well situated, and the weather permits
    grape growth without almost any damage, and results in each
    harvest being unique (

    In 1925 Angove"s start to produce brandy (Milne 2005),
    and it is possible to find more than 136 products. Some of the
    brandies are:

    • St Agnes 75th anniversary

    • St Agnes 30years old brandy

    • St Agnes VOB brandy, with different ages (20, 30, 40
      and 50 years old)

    • St Agnes OLD liqueur brandy

    • St Agnes 5 years VSOP brandy

    • St Agnes 5 star liqueur brandy

    • St Agnes 3 star brandy

    • St Agnes Pre mix

    • St Agnes and Cola

    • St Agnes with Lime and Soda

    • St Agnes and Dry ginger

    Some of the bottles sizes produced are:
    700ml, 1125ml, 375ml, 150ml, and 50ml.

    However in "The advertiser food & wine" October 9,
    2002 only three styles of brandies were mentioned: The standard
    three year old brandy, VSOP five years old with a price of
    $28.60, and XO Seven star very old brandy, with different ages.
    The price of XO brandy is $47.70

    Some of the awards that St. Anges brandy has received
    are ""The World"s Best Brandy" Trophy at the prestigious UK
    International Wine and Spirit Competition 2003 in London, 15
    Trophies, 49 Gold, and 131 Silver and Bronze"
    ( awards.

    In the article "What I like about home, sweet home"
    (Baker, 2003) are listed one hundred things from South Australia
    that must be tested or tried, and Angove"s St Anges brandy is
    ranked in 35th place.

    In addition, the Australian government demands that the
    brandy made in Australia must stand for two years in barrels.
    This process increases the flavour and complexity of the product
    (Shield, 1995), when compared with overseas

    Partes: 1, 2

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