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Brief Research Assignment: The White House Project and the Al Jazeera Website

Enviado por jaimemontoya

Partes: 1, 2

    This brief research assignment provides you
    with an opportunity to do a bit of research regarding the U.S.
    presidential campaign. After carefully reading the questions
    below, write a paper containing responses to each question. The
    assignment is worth up to 25 points.

    Part I

    Visit the website for The White
    House Project
    at Now follow
    the directions below and answer each of the questions:

    • 1. Click on "About Us" and then
      "Mission." What is the purpose of this website?

    • 2. Go back to the home page. Click
      on "Newsroom" and then "Press Releases" and read one of the
      press releases. Which one did you read? (Be sure to give the
      title of the release.) What is the release about? Briefly
      discuss it.

    • 3. Go back to the home page. Click
      on "Culture & Media" and then "Research & Polls" and
      read one of the articles. Which one did you read? (Be sure to
      give the title of the article.) What is the article about?
      Briefly discuss it.

    • 4. Now search the website and find
      and read an article on Democratic presidential candidate Sen.
      Hillary Rodham Clinton or Republican vice-presidential
      candidate Gov. Sarah Palin on this website. What did you
      find? (Be sure to give the title of the article.) What is the
      article about? Briefly discuss it.

    Part II

    Visit the website for
    Al-Jazeera at Now follow the directions
    below and answer each of the questions:

    • 1. Click on "About Us" and then
      "Corporate Profile." What is the purpose of this

    • 2. Now look to the left-hand
      column and click on "Focus" and read one of the press
      releases regarding president Barack Obama and foreign
      affairs. Which one did you read? (Be sure to give the title
      of the release.) What is the release about? Briefly discuss


    Your paper must be typed, double-spaced,
    Times New Roman font style, 12 pt. font size, with 1"" margins
    (all four), and 3-5 pages (not 2½ or 5½ ) total in
    length. The paper is due on and no later than Monday, November
    30. (A late paper will be penalized one letter grade.)

    Part I

    Question 1

    The site aims to support women"s leadership
    in society and politics, promoting opportunities for women to
    succeed as leaders in the world, from local communities to the
    U.S. presidency. [1]

    Question 2

    Local teen girls learn how to become
    U.S. President

    This release published on February 9, 2009,
    is an invitation to a training activity that took place on March
    7, 2009, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This event "aims to educate
    teens about the history of women"s leadership, build the skills
    needed to run for elected office, and
    explore the campaign trail leading to the White House." It is
    intended "for potential female Presidential candidates eligible
    to run for office in the year 2028 and beyond, as well as young
    women planning to lead a political life."

    This activity is an instance of the
    commitment that The White House Project has to support women
    leadership and involvement in political life, not only in the
    local spheres but also at the national scope. The project is so
    ambitious that it intends a woman to become the president of the
    United States.

    Question 3

    Why women matter summit [3]

    This article offers examples and lessons about women"s
    political leadership in the United States and abroad, with the
    purpose of incentivizing their involvement and participation in
    political life, aiming especially high level positions.

    Referring to success stories is an excellent way to promote an
    idea. That was precisely the strategy used by the "Why Women
    Matter: Lessons About Women"s Political Leadership from Home and
    Abroad" summit. The positive outcome from women"s participation
    in politics is the proof The White House Project used in this
    summit to highlight the necessity of increasing the number of
    women involved in political life.

    Question 4

    How was Hillary Clinton impacted women in politics?

    In this article, Faith Winter, who is the Training and
    Outreach Director for the White House Project, [5]
    shares her thoughts on Hillary Rodham Clinton"s impact on
    American politics and women"s involvement. Faith Winter considers
    that Hillary Clinton"s candidacy had a profound impact that will
    affect the way women presidential contenders are seen in future
    elections. A woman with high possibilities to become the
    president of the United States arose special attention and
    interest to how women were voting, revealing that their voices
    and votes can make a difference. The support that millions of
    Americans gave to Hillary Clinton"s candidacy is an inspiration
    for a new generation of women to step into politics and become
    the leaders to produce positive changes in the United States and
    in the world.

    Partes: 1, 2

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