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Abuso doméstico y violencia contra los hombres

Partes: 1, 2

    1. Peru
      Immigration Documentation Project
    2. Domestic
      violence has many forms including
    3. Centers
      for Disease Control
    4. Reasons
      given for non-reporting
    5. Man
      attempt to remain unemotional
    6. The
      door to violence has opened wide
    7. Man
      has tried to hide his anger
    8. Domestic
      abuse and violence against men
    9. The
      Problem with Assumptions about Domestic Abuse and
    10. What
      Is Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Men?
    11. Why
      Does Domestic Abuse Against Men Go
    12. The
      characteristics of men or women who are abusive fall into three
    13. Bibliography
      and References

    Domestic Abuse and
    Violence against Men

    Peru Immigration Documentation

    There are many reasons why we don't know more about
    domestic abuse and violence against men. There are no absolute
    rules for understanding the emotional differences between men and
    women. There are principles and dynamics that allow
    interpretation of individual situations.  Domestic abuse and
    violence against men and women have some similarities and
    difference. Domestic abuse can also be mental or emotional. 
    However, what will hurt a man mentally and emotionally, can
    in some cases be very different from what hurts a
    woman.  For some men, being called a coward, impotent or a
    failure can have a very different psychological impact than it
    would on women.  Unkind and cruel words hurt, but they can
    hurt in different ways and linger in different ways.

    Hay muchas razones por las que no sabemos
    más acerca de la violencia doméstica
    contra los hombres. No hay reglas absolutas para la
    comprensión de las diferencias emocionales entre hombres y
    mujeres. Pero hay principios y las dinámicas
    que permiten la interpretación de las
    situaciones individuales. El abuso doméstico y la violencia
    contra los hombres y las mujeres tienen algunas similitudes y
    diferencias. El abuso doméstico también puede ser
    mental o emocional. Sin embargo, lo que va a herir a un hombre mentalmente y
    emocionalmente, en algunos casos puede ser muy diferente de lo
    que duele una mujer. Para algunos hombres, ser
    llamado un cobarde, impotente o un fracaso puede tener un impacto
    psicológico muy diferente de lo que en las mujeres. Poco
    amable y las crueles palabras duelen, pero puede hacer daño de diferentes
    maneras y persisten en diferentes formas.

    Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal
    abuse, child abuse or intimate partner violence, can be broadly
    defined a pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners in
    an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family,
    friends or cohabitation.

    Domestic violence has many forms

    • physical aggression (hitting, kicking, biting,
      shoving, restraining, throwing objects), or threats thereof;
      sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or domineering;
      intimidation; stalking; passive/covert abuse (neglect); and
      economic deprivation. Domestic violence may or may not
      constitute a crime, depending on local statues, severity and
      duration of specific acts, and other variables. Alcohol
      consumption and mental illness have frequently been
      associated with abuse.

    Awareness, perception and documentation of domestic
    violence differ from country to country, and from era to era.
    Estimates are that only about a third of cases of domestic
    violence are actually reported in the United States and the
    United Kingdom. According to the Centers for Disease Control, domestic violence is a
    serious, preventable public health problem affecting more than 32
    million Americans, or over 10% of the U. S.

    Violence between spouses has long been considered a
    serious problem. The United States has a lengthy history of legal
    precedent condemning spousal abuse. In 1879, law scholar Nicholas
    St. John Green wrote, "The cases in the American courts
    are uniform against the right of the husband to use any
    [physical] chastisement, moderate or otherwise, toward the wife,
    for any purpose."
    Green also cites the 1641 Body of
    Liberties of the Massachusetts Bay colonists -— one of the
    first legal documents in North American history —- as an
    early de jure condemnation of violence by either

    Partes: 1, 2

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