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Prologue to An Invitation to Accounting History by David Forrester

Partes: 1, 2

    Prologue to An Invitation to Accounting History by David
    Forrester –

    Prologue to An Invitation to
    Accounting History by David Forrester

    by Dr Esteban Hernandez Esteve of
    Madrid, Spain

    Foreword; Times of change and
    subjectivity; Accounting History and Social Science; New
    Accounting History; Its temptations of – Originality;
    Exclusivity; Dogmatism;Utilitarianism; Undervaluing events;
    Bureaucratisation; Methodological reductionism; Thematic
    reductionism; Reductionism of Time; Linguistic reductionism.
    Final recommendation.


    I am honoured to have been invited to write the prologue
    to this book containing sixteen papers by David Forrester, an old
    friend of mine and, above all, one of the members of that
    magnificent group of pioneers -Raymond de Roover, Federigo Melis,
    Basil S. Yamey, Paul Garner, Ernest Stevelinck, Carlo Antinori,
    Pierre Jouanique and so many others- who have worked so hard in
    the second half of this century to give accounting history real
    scientific substance and, thus, to put it in the place
    corresponding to it in the concert of historical disciplines, a
    goal which is coming closer every day.

    The works in this book are the summary and exposition of
    a life devoted to researching and teaching accounting history,
    and cover many facets and aspects of the discipline, which can be
    ultimately grouped in the three broad categories indicated by the
    author himself: research on recording methods and accounting
    information; studies on accounting as an instrument for managing
    and controlling enterprise; and works on the theories, schools
    and accounting approaches of the more or less distant

    The diversity of the subjects addressed in the papers
    selected from amongst the thirty-seven works written by the
    author on accounting history since 1968, according to the list at
    the end of the book, reflects David Forrester"s wide and
    versatile intellectual curiosity. Thus, here we have historical
    accounting studies related in some way with the philosophy of
    history; with the ideas of the Enlightenment; with the
    legislation and movements of mercantile coding; with the
    university models and the methods of financial control and
    auditing used by university institutions; with the origin of the
    accounting profession based on a triple association – that of the
    accountants or bookkeepers as such, that of the scriveners, and
    that of the notaries; with the beginnings and reasons for the
    practice of printed Financial Reports, etc., clearly evidencing
    David Forrester"s enormous range of scientific capacities and
    interests. This is clear evidence of his belonging to the group
    of modern pioneers of accounting history we referred to earlier.
    Precisely because they profess humanist ideals, because they are
    themselves convinced humanists, these pioneers were capable of
    perceiving that the birth of double-entry accounting was the
    product of the same Renaissance spirit that had inspired so many
    works of art and so many architectural jewels, but also so many
    mercantile and financial innovations, such as the bill of
    exchange, the cheque, transport insurance, sedentary commerce,
    great international banking, with a network of correspondents in
    all the important markets, and, above all, so many original and
    renovative ideas about the meaning of life and the revaluation of
    man"s human dimension. Indeed, the men of the Renaissance were
    equally fascinated by the novelties, the study of perspective,
    for example, or the harmonious combination of proportions offered
    them, -in a sea of emotions gained from the observation and
    comprehension of the works from the recovered classical past- as
    by the means and mechanisms invented by merchants to control and
    more effectively manage their businesses. All the fruits of human
    ingenuity equally aroused their enthusiasm and admiration. Luca
    Pacioli, for example, the great compiler and divulger of
    double-entry techniques, was a great expert in all of these
    matters, apart from being a great mathematician. Much has been
    said of the artistic and intellectual Renaissance, whereas the
    mercantile Renaissance, which is just as interesting and worthy
    of admiration, has hardly been dealt with. For, when all is said
    and done, it was the riches provided by Renaissance merchants
    that financed and facilitated the advent and development of the
    artistic and intellectual Renaissance.

    That was how the modern pioneers of accounting history
    understood it and, taking this Renaissance spirit upon
    themselves, they undertook their accounting history research,
    knowing that their discipline was much more than the study of the
    evolution of bookkeeping techniques -which, however, they did not
    neglect either, cultivating it with care- as their research might
    provide magnificent knowledge about the concept of enterprise,
    about the manner of understanding business, about the state of
    management techniques and the means employed to control the work
    of factors and branches at each moment in time. All of this
    without, of course, forgetting the study of the economic, social
    and political context in which accounting developed, or the
    investigation of the relationship between accounting and this
    context, or the influence exercised by accounting in the shaping
    of new forms of social and institutional organisation. Now that
    so much importance is fortunately lent to this sociological
    dimension of accounting, which is welcomed as a product of the
    new trends of accounting history research, it should not be
    forgotten that, many years ago, Raymond de Roover underlined the
    important role played by double-entry in the Commercial
    Revolution of the 13th century, i.e. in transforming itinerant
    trade into sedentary commerce, based on a network of
    correspondents, factories and branches, which put an end to the
    formerly crucial Champagne fairs and the hegemony of the Flemish
    merchants. Or that Werner Sombart, the renowned economic
    historian, had some years earlier classified double-entry
    accounting – perhaps exaggerating to some extent- as a sine
    qua non
    condition for the appearance of

    Thus then, David Forrester belongs, as we said, to this
    select group of pioneers who have made accounting history what it
    is today. In this respect, David Forrester is a kind of rara
    in today"s large group of English-speaking accounting
    historians. As is well-known and will later be discussed in
    greater detail, this group (the same as other English-speaking
    groups involved in the cultivation of other sciences), taking
    advantage of the widespread use of the English language
    throughout the world, tends to turn in upon itself and only
    concern itself with problems that affect its linguistic territory
    which thus refer to the period of time when accounting themes
    take on importance in their respective countries. Generally
    speaking, the members of this group do not seem to be very
    interested in learning languages. Sheltered in their own
    environment, which is undoubtedly one of extensive high-quality
    scientific production, they neither know nor mention works
    written in languages other than English and indeed behave as if
    the studies not written in their language either fail to exist or
    are not science. This surprises no one in their cultural
    environment and they are not called to account for their partial
    and limited conception of science. They start their scientific
    career, they publish their work, they obtain a chair and win
    awards and gain a reputation, while possibly never having read a
    single work that is not published in English, but nobody
    reproaches them for it or criticises their limitations. And what
    is even more surprising is that scientists from other linguistic
    areas accept this situation and, doubtlessly out of good taste,
    do not reproach or criticise them for this serious deficiency
    either. Everyone seems to accept that English is, today, the only
    scientific language or the scientific language par

    Within this context, David Forrester, with his language
    skills and his intellectual curiosity about European culture in
    general, really is an exceptional case, as corresponds to his
    humanistic disposition. His interest in Europe started with his
    history studies at the Universities of Saint Andrews and Oxford
    and was later consolidated, in academic year 1950-51, when he
    frequented the lecture halls of the University of Göttingen.
    A further logical product (fruit of his studies at this German
    university) is his ability to correctly speak and read German. He
    also speaks and reads French and Italian. His knowledge of
    languages is evident in the subjects researched, and in the
    references in different languages in his bibliographies. A really
    unusual case in the English-speaking group to which he belongs,
    as we said earlier.

    In other aspects of his life and scientific activity
    David Forrester is also an unusual and even somewhat eccentric
    character. For instance, my children have not really seen him on
    a regular basis, but they remember him perfectly, and have very
    fond and pleasant memories of him, because of his strong,
    attractive, original personality. His lack of concern about the
    usual forms and conventions for presenting scientific papers and
    documents is amusing and picturesque, although this has made him
    a little unpopular with those who examine the bottle more closely
    than the wine inside. It is true that, on occasion, the formal
    aspects of the presentation of his work might be faulted for a
    little carelessness, but in the treatment of the subjects chosen,
    in their methodological development, in the exposition of his
    conclusions, Forrester has always been faithful to the classical
    canons of historical research: the preferential use of primary
    sources; maximum possible objectivity in the description and
    analysis o f the events studied; the insertion of these events in
    the relevant context; the search for causal and collateral
    relations between event and their context; the interpretation of
    events, always making a clear distinction between the event
    itself, as we can know, describe and analyse it, and our own
    opinions and interpretations of the event, its causes and
    reasons, its effects . . . Of course, he, like all of us, has
    always been aware of the impossibility of fully achieving these
    goals. There is an element of subjectivity in the very choice of
    the events to be investigated. If we hardly ever know all the
    facts about the present, as their circumstances, reasons and
    meaning are concealed from us, how can we aim to know about the
    events of the past on the basis of a few indications which are
    often no more than the tip of the iceberg? Where is the would-be
    objectivity, that noble dream, as Peter Novick ironically refers
    to it? All the same, there is an essential difference between
    those who are totally unconcerned about objectivity, as some are
    today, with the pretext that it can never be completely and
    immediately achieved, and those who are aware of this
    impossibility and the reasons for it, but aspire to attaining the
    maximum objectivity possible, i.e. the highest possible level of
    transmissibility of knowledge, so that we may all know how the
    events studied occurred, although we know that this does not give
    us absolutely reliable or definitive knowledge. Forrester is
    amongst this second group of researchers.

    Indeed, throughout his long and fruitful life as an
    accounting historian, David Forrester has known how to resist the
    temptations of modernity and remain faithful, as I said, to the
    classic canons of historical research. This has not been easy in
    the times in which we live, where powerful iconoclastic currents
    offer a wealth of easy opportunities to jump onto the bandwagon
    of modernity and so-called progressionism, thus freeing oneself
    of accusations of being old-fashioned and lacking
    aggiornamento. Of course, it is easier to resist these
    temptations when one is established and has an extensive research

    Taking into account David Forrester"s characteristics,
    his strong personality and, above all, our long-standing
    friendship, I hope to be forgiven for not writing a prologue to
    his book that is conventional or about circumstances, but, in
    contrast, in due homage to its author, for preferring to include
    and give overall shape to some very personal reflections which I
    have mentioned on a wide variety of occasions in different places
    in the past few years.

    * * *

    Throughout history there have been times when Humanity
    has looked at itself through periods in the immediate or remote
    past, has admired their ideas or approaches or at least found
    them satisfactory, and, suitably adapting or developing them, has
    attempted to apply them to its present. This attitude is not
    necessarily conservative. No one could rightly say that the
    Italian Renaissance was a conservative time and yet its
    characteristic feature was the enthusiastic rediscovery of the
    classical world and the recovery and application of many of its
    criteria and ideas about life. Another era of this same type is
    possibly when the Ancient Romans absorbed the fundamental aspects
    of Greek culture. Yet another example, outside our Western
    cultural cycle, is to be found in the authentic veneration the
    Aztecs felt towards the culture of the Toltecs, a people who
    preceded them in the dominion of Mexico.

    There are, in contrast, periods that are characterised
    by totally opposite attitudes. The era in which we live today is
    one of them. No one can say exactly how or why present ideas have
    arisen. Perhaps the impressive technical advances achieved in a
    relatively short space of time have led to the overvaluation of
    man"s capacity to organise himself and coexist better. Perhaps
    the extrapolation of democratic ideals to spheres to which they
    do not belong has revived anarchist beliefs. Perhaps the old
    Marxist desire to destroy the existing capitalist order by
    undermining all types of bourgeois institutions and values to
    create a new, more just and happier order also has something to
    do with the present situation. Or, it might simply be a case of
    being tired of always professing the same ideas and of wanting to
    breathe new fresher airs.

    Whatever it may be, what is true is that we are living
    in times of cultural crisis, of renewal and a desire for change,
    of bettering the old scheme of things. The general attitude seems
    to be a lack of appreciation and mistrust of inherited patterns.
    Scepticism about old beliefs is one of the most notorious
    manifestations of this attitude, a scepticism which is, however,
    accompanied by a disconcerting tendency to believe in new,
    unusual exotic ideas. We are immersed in a cultural atmosphere
    dominated by out-and-out subjectivism. This expansion of
    subjectivism makes the autonomy of the individual sovereign,
    maintains that all ideas and opinions are equally respectable and
    valuable, claims everyone can do as they wish, without having to
    account to anyone, provided they do not hurt others. This
    principle, which may be valid in the field of justice, can have
    disastrous consequences outside it, in art, morals or science. A
    product of this subjectivism is the refusal to admit to the
    existence of objective criteria which are valid in themselves,
    because no authority is considered to be capable of establishing
    them. Everything is argued over, everything is questioned, no
    authority of any type is accepted gracefully. Thus, the fiercest
    but also most interested relativism prevails. Nothing is worth it
    for its own sake, but everything is worth it if it suits us. The
    destruction of criteria, which may be well-founded or arbitrary,
    but generally accepted, has led to confusion and to ill winds,
    not only in many aspects of personal life but also of collective
    life. Even the very possibility of objective knowledge is argued
    and questioned, as we said. As result of this confusion and the
    generalised belief that there are no criteria which are
    objectively valid in themselves, values that otherwise could not
    have prevailed have been imposed. Originality is one of them.
    Indeed, originality, the search for which as from 1860 and 1880
    was recently criticised and described by Julián
    Marías, one of José Ortega y Gasset"s favourite
    disciples, has become a common goal of our times; in fact, it has
    become a real objective per se in the field of both
    intellectual and artistic activities. Another of the distinctive
    features of this state of confusion and loss of values is the
    appearance of open shameless individualism and utilitarianism,
    which is perfectly logical and consistent with the lack of faith
    in moral values and values of a nobler nature. What we believe
    suits us and is immediately of material use is valid. However,
    never before today has there been so much talk of solidarity, the
    secular version of Christian charity. But, as the Castilian
    refrain goes: "Tell me what you boast about and I"ll tell you
    what you lack".

    This situation should not, however, make us pessimistic.
    It is true that for Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, as he said to his
    friend and confident Johann Peter Eckermann, " all periods of
    retrocession and dissolution reveal subjective tendencies, while,
    on the contrary, progressive times take an objective direction".
    It is very possible that the ideas of the famous German thinker
    were correct, but I do not believe, as he would probably not
    believe either, that everything in these dislocating and
    iconoclastic movements is negative. The fact that they occur may
    even be good in itself, as it may be the only way that culture
    can rid itself of undesired disfiguring adherences accumulated
    over centuries. This may be the way Humanity moves forward:
    through upheavals that force us to pause on the road and rethink
    basic questions. But, when these upheavals occur, these
    cataclysms, marking the possibility of new and better ideas on a
    higher level, bring times of confusion and disorientation, where
    it is difficult to know which way to turn.

    Obviously, the social sciences, and amongst them of
    course history, have been involved in and seriously affected by
    these iconoclastic and renovative movements, movements which have
    aroused a bitter and passionate debate over epistemology and the
    methodology of science in general and history in particular,
    giving rise to concepts and approaches which are radically
    opposed to traditional ideas. In a paper presented at the
    "Conference On the Preparation of an Accounting History in
    Spain", held at "La Cristalera" Residence at Madrid"s Universidad
    Autónoma on 24 and 26 September 1992, I described and
    emphasised the great epistemological and methodological debate
    which is taking place at the heart of world historiography. This
    discussion has broken with, or at least questioned, the classic
    concepts of historiography, such as the attributes of
    objectivity, rationality, non-temporality and universality that
    were required of history, to start to consider it as simply an
    intellectual activity with contingent local and historical
    results, i.e. only valid for a certain moment and certain
    historical circumstances. The irruption of new criteria has, for
    the moment, created great confusion at the heart of
    historiography, since, according to these criteria, any new idea
    or approach may be valid. In view of this situation, it is hardly
    surprising that one of the principal animators of the
    historiographical debate, Peter Novick, who I referred to
    earlier, sums it up by referring to a passage from the Bible: "At
    that time there was no king in Israel and everyone did as they
    wished" (Book of Judges, 21, 24).

    Neither is accounting history, which has received an
    extraordinary impulse in the last two decades, alien to the
    crisis of values and ideas taking place in the world today. Quite
    the contrary. Indeed, it seems that the absorption of new
    epistemological and methodological ideas about history in
    general, with its vivifying effect, is to a large extent
    responsible for the current boom in accounting history. Due to
    this absorption, it has called itself "new accounting history" in
    order to distinguish itself from "traditional accounting
    history". However, in spite of its name, "new accounting history"
    is not really a school or single body of doctrine, but a varied
    set of approaches and ways of understanding the discipline, which
    are often very different from each another. However, they do
    share common ideas and tendencies which include the new
    non-conformist ideas and mean that this set of approaches and
    ideas is distinguished, according to their followers, from the
    traditional ways in which accounting history had been understood
    and practised. According to these followers, the distinction
    starts in the very conception and object of the discipline. In
    effect, according to Carnegie and Napier, at the outset
    accounting history was conceived as a way of fomenting and
    glorifying the practice of bookkeeping and the professional
    status of bookkeepers. Later, a more utilitarian approach
    emerged; this contemplated the past as a data base which could
    serve to facilitate comprehension of contemporary accounting
    practices and identify past solutions that could be useful in
    resolving present problems. Finally, a more critical approach
    appeared which aims to understand the past of accounting from the
    standpoint of social and political theories. This last
    conception, which is more modern and complete, is that openly
    professed by "new accounting history".

    According to this conception, the principal
    distinguishing features of the " new history" with respect to
    "traditional history" were summarised by Richard K. Fleischman,
    Lawrence P. Kalbers and Lee D. Parker as follows:

    1. The new ideas have extended the field of accounting
    history research, including a number of methodologies and a
    variety of theoretical approaches, with the appearance of new
    disciplines and new problems.

    2. There is less concern about historical facts, due to
    the need to present a narration of what really occurred. New
    accounting historians proclaim emancipation from facts. A
    different emphasis is given to relations, to logical patterns, to
    ideologies and to interpretations verified by means of facts,
    rather than deriving from them.

    3. Changes in accounting history are not evolutive or in
    linear progression. The methodological innovations cover the
    whole range of influxes deriving from a national culture at each
    specific moment in history.

    Along the same lines, Yannick Lemarchand recently
    summarised the characteristic features of "new accounting
    history" even more briefly and drastically; in the opinion of its
    proselytes, these features are the following two: In the first
    place, the loss of faith in the possibility of achieving
    objectivity in the study and description of historical events.
    Secondly, the abandoning of this sort of accounting history
    Darwinism, which consists of believing that accounting, like
    other human activities, is subject to a more or less linear
    process of continual progress, motivated by the needs to adapt to
    the requirements of the environment. The supporters of "new
    accounting history" doubt the existence of this evolutive process
    towards progress and, on the contrary, postulate that what is
    significant, what should be studied with greater emphasis, are
    not evolutive changes, but situations of breaking, of
    interruption, of retrocession. Moreover, they do not feel that
    adapting accounting to th e requirements of the outside world is
    as important as the way in which accounting has helped and
    continues to help to influence its environment and, hence,
    contributes to the shaping and evolution of this

    Obviously, this last conception responds to the idea
    that accounting should not simply be studied as a technique, but
    as an element for shaping the social and organisational framework
    of society. Michel Foucault"s ideas have been of special
    importance in the adoption of these approaches, since they have
    influenced nearly all the members of "new accounting history" in
    one way or another; they have had such a strong impact on some of
    them that they have become a specific group within the whole. In
    the context we are looking at, the ideas of Foucault which have
    had the greatest effect on new accounting historians in general
    are those related to the relationship between knowledge and power
    and to the disciplining of today"s society. Since Humanity burst
    out of the corset of authoritarian governments in the 18th
    century to assert the ideals of freedom, society has had to
    gradually work out the way of disciplining its members.
    Accounting forms part of this process, which Foucault illustrates
    on the basis of Jeremy Bentham"s Panopticon, i.e. this
    circular prison where the warders can see and supervise the
    prisoners without being seen, so that the prisoners feel as if
    they are constantly being watched. Management accounting provides
    the Foucaultians with a patent example of this process within the
    context of accounting, since this system makes it possible to
    observe the functioning of the entire organisation and ensure
    permanent vigilance and control of its workers" behaviour and
    output. Naturally, for the Foucaultians, management accounting
    has not been developed for reasons of pure economic rationality,
    but rather as a result of the never openly professed search for
    ways of disciplining, controlling and supervising

    Moreover, the fall and rejection of the so-called "dream
    of objectivity" has reduced the importance of the pure exposition
    of accounting history facts and has changed the new historian"s
    attitude towards them. As Miller and his colleagues explain, it
    is no longer a case of "letting the facts explain themselves", as
    traditional historians postulated, but of formulating a
    interpretations which can be verified by facts,
    rather than allowing the facts to establish the interpretations
    deriving from themselves. Theoretical reflection should, thus,
    precede the search for and the compilation of facts. To do the
    opposite would mean committing the well-known sin of "
    antiquarianism" for which the new accounting historians reproach
    traditionalists, whether or not it is relevant. In other words,
    the collection and description of facts for vain erudition,
    without attempting to interpret them or find an explication and
    meaning for them within the context of history.

    As mentioned above, the basic conceptions of "new
    accounting history" are no more than the more or less linear
    transposition of the ideas toyed with in the modern discussion
    about historiography. With these ideas, new accounting historians
    have tried to break out of their isolation from other historical
    disciplines and thus join the lively debates on the subject, from
    their own field of study. In this way, steps are starting to be
    taken so that the ironic, but enormously accurate words
    pronounced by Paul Garner at the 1980 London Congress, in the
    middle of a heated discussion full of self-exaltation and much
    mutual trumpet-blowing, after an exposition that underlined the
    importance and achievements of accounting history, are no longer
    defining or in place. This is what the renowned historian said:
    "But, do any of you really believe that we would be admitted to
    an exclusive club of historians?". The rhetorical question came
    as a wet damper to the enthused participants, but some of us
    could not help thinking that his words had been very opportune
    and had served to put things in their place.

    Although my training as an economic historian, acquired
    after studying for several years at the Seminar für
    Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Universität zu
    , directed by my unforgettable teacher Hermann
    Kellenbenz, was largely classical, as is logical, since it was
    inspired by the model of the traditional German history school, I
    believe that we should be pleased to welcome the postulates of
    "new accounting history", understood in the sense of a complement
    to and enrichment of the old patterns, and not as a revolutionary
    approach which must necessarily annul and completely replace the
    old ideas, as some of its followers tend to believe. There can be
    no doubt that the new ideas have brought a breath of fresh air
    and have helped us to reflect on the need to purify or simply
    discard past ideas which are inadequate or degenerated and
    already worn out from use. Thanks to the new ideas, the field of
    accounting history research has become broader and the repertory
    of subjects to be dealt with, and the approaches to them, have
    increased notably. In this respect, greater contextualisation of
    research has been fomented; in other words, the more extensive
    deeper insertion of the subjects studied into the context in
    which they belong. An essential part of this purifying process
    has corresponded to the principle of not judging the questions
    studied from the references of the present , but from the
    circumstances prevailing at the time, although this, in itself,
    is an idea known of old, as occurs with some other ideas which
    are ostensibly new. Of special importance is also the will to
    incorporate the relevant theoretical apparatus into the study of
    accounting history, as an essential part of the
    contextualisation, evaluation and interpretation of the subjects
    researched. It is clear that all of these ideas have opened up or
    at least brought back up to date- new horizons for accounting
    history, with prospects not as yet defined, but achieved not last
    by surpassing the strict limiting concept of history deriving
    from some specific techniques which were previously associated
    with this discipline, although there was logically no shortage of
    historians with a broader more enriching view, as I mentioned
    earlier. Obviously, we do not know what the future holds in store
    for accounting history conceived in the new way, but it will
    foreseeably see its development linked to that of the history of
    business and finance, within the broader framework of economic
    and social history in general.

    Mention was made earlier of the concept of
    complementariness and enrichment with which, in my view, the
    formulation of the postulates of "new accounting history" should
    be regarded. In fact, as I mentioned earlier, firstly I do not
    feel that all of the new formulae are as new and revolutionary as
    is being claimed, and, secondly, that because of their advent,
    all the old formulae and approaches to accounting history should
    necessarily be discarded and replaced. Many of them could, and
    should, live in perfect harmony with the new formulae, even if
    they might need touching up or looking at with a new awareness.
    Moreover, that is the usual way that science moves ahead: on the
    basis of the reconciliation and accumulation of old elements with
    new ones that renew them and give them a different air. However,
    this does not seem to be the spirit that moves all the advocates
    of "new accounting history", as also occurs with the supporters
    of new historiographical approaches in general. The predominant
    spirit seems to be quite the opposite, i.e. a spirit of
    radicalisation, confrontation and antagonism towards traditional
    accounting historians. It is, no doubt, a case of the need for
    self-affirmation often accompanying new trends, which find no
    better way of realising themselves than by attacking established
    ideas. For this reason, although the fight between the advocates
    of "new history" and the supporters of "traditional history" is
    tough and tense, it acquires a somewhat contrived air, an air of
    a set-up spectacle, and sounds rather hollow. To highlight the
    radically novel nature the new historians seek to give their
    contributions, they have created a discrediting rather Manichaean
    stereotype for "traditional history", exaggerating its
    deficiencies and limitations; the supporters of "traditional
    history" have, in turn, defended themselves by creating an
    equally exaggerated and inaccurate stereotype of the postulates
    of "new history". Of course, the re are supporters of the two
    trends who are conciliatory and wish to maintain the ideas and
    practices of the old approaches so that these two major ways of
    understanding accounting history can be integrated one with the
    other. This integration will undoubtedly take place in time.
    Moreover, there is no need for exaggeration either, since there
    is no reason why the debate between the supporters of "new
    accounting history" and those in favour of "traditional
    accounting history" should be particularly harmful for the future
    of the discipline, but in fact quite the contrary, because the
    exchange of opinions helps to bring out ideas and, thus, useful
    reflections generally come from the debate. However, there is
    always the danger that, in the heat of the debate, the parties
    involved are led to take up extreme positions which give rise to
    bitter conflicts and do not bring anything positive.

    For this reason, and even gladly accepting the relevance
    and opportuneness of the basic postulates of "new accounting
    history", I believe that a more moderate attitude from some of
    its supporters towards inherited ideas would be desirable, so as
    not to fall into dangers or temptations which, if they developed,
    might vitiate the image and nature of the new ideas, pushing them
    towards undesired courses that might provoke unnecessary feelings
    of rejection. These risks and attitudes are not, on the other
    hand, peculiar to "new accounting history", since they are
    temptations which affect any new epistemological and
    methodological approach that appears forcefully and powerfully.
    But the truth is that they occur, and with even greater virulence
    in the discussion held at the heart of historical disciplines in
    general. In an attempt, which does not pretend to be exhaustive,
    to define these dangers or temptations, as I call them to show
    that they can be surmounted, I believe it is worth identifying
    the ones mentioned below; in any event, it should be noted that
    all of them are closely related to each other, since really, to a
    large extent, they are different facets or angles of the same
    phenomenon and even overlap at some points. This being so, they
    could, no doubt, be reduced to only two or three, but I have
    chosen to explain them one by one because all of them have their
    own distinguishing features which are worthy of

    1. The temptation of originality.

    As I mentioned earlier, it seems that the search for
    originality has become an end in itself in our world today. This
    is also happening in the field of accounting history. There can
    be no doubt that at a highly competitive time, a comparative
    advantage comes from differentiating the product in order to
    break away from market uniformity. Advertising is inspired by the
    same principle. Thus, not only has it been considered necessary
    to christen the new ideas with the name of "new accounting
    history" in order to distinguish them from previous forms, but
    also new groups are being created within these ideas with names
    and addresses: Foucaultians, critical historians, postmodernists,
    etc. History based on non-written sources has been given the name
    of "oral accounting history". There is no need to panic.
    Paradoxically, there is nothing original about this in itself.
    The same thing happens in nearly all sectors of intellectual
    activity and particularly in historical sciences. Neither is it
    bad that each tiny new incipient trend should wish to identify
    itself and distinguish itself from others. But it is worth asking
    whether this is really necessary and whether waving a different
    flag and giving themselves different names with the pretext of
    applying some ideas, some thoughts, some new research criteria
    -however renovative, complete and rigorous they may be-
    contributes anything. Or rather, whether this has something to do
    with the desire to stand out, to attract attention or to win
    renown. In this sense, it may be that the temptation of
    is related to the context described in what we
    call temptation of bureaucratisation of accounting
    history, which we will look at later on.

    2. The temptation of exclusivity or

    The formulation of new ideas sometimes seems to be
    carried out as if the new ways of understanding accounting
    history work were the only ways possible. Some new accounting
    historians seem tempted to believe that anything that is not done
    according to the new ways of understanding the discipline has no
    value. Thus, on occasion, one has the impression that there is no
    interest in knowing about and appreciating the wealth of works
    and knowledge left to us by our predecessors. It seems that the
    real key to history work has only just been discovered. It also
    seems that it is not enough to clearly see, thanks to the new
    ideas, the direction accounting history as a whole should take.
    No, all the work and research should be completely in line with
    each and every one of the new ideas.

    3. The temptation of dogmatism

    This temptation is particularly linked to the one above,
    since the dictates of exclusivity and redemptorism come from
    dogmatism. One makes the rules oneself and then declares them to
    be universally valid. If not, how can it be dictated which works
    are of interest and which are not, by virtue of temporary value
    judgements, which will not be eternally valid, but one would
    expect to be renewed and perfected over the course of time? If
    the current thinking had predominated in the last century, then
    possibly the valuable "antiquarian" work carried out by the
    historians of the time would never have been done. Of course, we
    are talking about work conducted seriously, with scientific rigor
    and probity, which brings novelties, either of sources or ideas,
    within each person"s own way of understanding his
    historiographical mission.

    4. The temptation of utilitarianism.

    As I mentioned earlier, the search for immediate
    specific material usefulness, together with the desire for
    originality and the refusal to accept any authority capable of
    laying down objective criteria, which might restrict one"s own
    freedom of action, are features common to practically all
    activities in our world today. For this reason, I will take a
    little longer to comment on this, since, in the field of "new
    accounting history" too, there is a great deal of concern about
    the fact that accounting history research may be useful to
    professionals and academics in the world today. This notion of
    usefulness underlies nearly all the temptations I am referring
    to. This was precisely the main theme of the Symposium on
    Accounting History held at the "21st Annual Congress of the
    European Accounting Association", in Bordeaux on 5-7 May 1999. In
    the ideas presented by John Richard Edwards, four reasons for
    practising accounting history were examined and defended: 1.
    Recreational. Man y academics and professionals in accounting,
    together with intellectuals from other fields, were attracted to
    research into accounting history out of sheer curiosity, simply
    because, as Basil Yamey says, they enjoyed doing it. 2.
    Intellectual or explanatory. Apart from its purely recreational
    usefulness, Edwards believes that it has a practical use, since
    it helps us to understand our past and enables us to appreciate
    how our current practices and problems emerged. Obviously, he
    recognises that, although there is a wealth of available
    information, it is extremely unlikely that historians will ever
    agree on how a specific piece of information should be
    interpreted. 3. Predictive. This is a difficult and complicated
    type of usefulness, because circumstances change, but it is true
    that, on certain occasions, parallelisms can be traced and future
    events predicted through accounting history. 4. Problem-solving.
    This use of accounting history is also difficult and complicated,
    which, according to Edwards, means that excessive emphasis should
    not be placed on it, nor should too many expectations be raised
    by it.

    I would add a fifth use of accounting history to these
    four. This fifth use has recently become very much in fashion,
    because of the incorporation of theoretical elements and aspects
    into accounting history research: the use of accounting history
    as a verifier of social and institutional theories.

    I personally feel that all these uses, which, according
    to current generalized thought, justify research into accounting
    history, can effectively occur in practice and if this is indeed
    the case, they should be given a warm welcome. There are no
    objections to this. But I also believe that, while we are so busy
    listing them, we are overlooking the primary and fundamental
    question, which is not considered and is none other than the
    following: Does science, scientific knowledge, necessarily have
    to be useful, i.e. does it have to have an immediate practical,
    specific, material use? If all knowledge that apparently has no
    use of this type were rejected, would not Humanity lose something
    of infinite value? The German peoples, whose profound philosophy
    and thought is accompanied by their well-known pragmatism, still
    deeply esteem and admire what they call
    Grundlagenforschung, i.e. the investigation of the
    foundations, which is precisely the research they believe to be
    the most difficult and the most valuable. Aware as I am that I
    must be quite alone in this position, I am ashamed to confess
    that the current preoccupation with anxiously seeking at all
    costs a use for accounting history research seems to me to be
    rather puerile and misrepresents real scientific vocation, since
    it seeks a superfluous justification. Of course, I am not against
    accounting history studies having or possibly having a practical
    and specific use. I said that earlier. However, I do disagree
    with the idea that this usefulness is per se the
    justification for studying it, for undertaking research with the
    sole idea of making it useful.

    Moreover, in this respect, the same thing happens as
    with the temptation of dogmatism. In this field, who can
    define what is useful in absolute terms? Will what is today
    defined as useful in terms of some temporary subjective thinking
    be useful for tomorrow"s scholars? Or what is more important,
    will the study of what we are rejecting as useless today, by
    virtue of the very ideas we have invented, be useless for future
    researchers? No, historiographical work cannot be done or not
    done because of the usefulness we attribute to it at any given
    moment. Its immediate specific material usefulness is unimportant
    for historical research and cannot be its model and its object.
    Its mainstay is not its would-be usefulness, but its rigor and
    its search for veracity, however difficult it may be to establish
    the degree of accomplishment of these criteria.

    Although I may find it unimportant, not essential, for
    there to be an immediate perceptible specific use for scientific
    knowledge and, in particular, for accounting history research,
    this in no way implies that I am denying that history is useful.
    Quite the contrary, I am absolutely convinced of its usefulness,
    but for me its usefulness is not, generally speaking, material
    and practical, but of a general cognitive nature, imperceptible
    and unidentifiable in the majority of cases. I believe that the
    events of today are, to a large extent, the result of the
    thoughts, decisions and events of the past. In this respect, I
    believe that the present cannot be correctly understood if we
    make no effort to find about the past, since it is there that the
    roots of our ideas, our way of being and thinking and our acts
    are to be found. This was understood and masterfully expounded by
    José Ortega y Gasset, the renowned Spanish philosopher who
    was educated in Germany. He found the key to understanding and
    explaining man, man and his circumstance, in historical reason,
    or vital reason as he called it, the basis of all his philosophy.
    According to him, man cannot be accurately explained if he is
    separated from the context which surrounds him, of which history
    forms an essential part. Thus, history, that is, knowing about
    the past, is fundamental if man and society are be aware of their
    own identity. This was also recently understood by Michel
    Foucault; for him, history is not a discipline of the past but of
    the present, i.e. in full force in the present, since its object
    is to reconstruct the path followed to arrive at where we are
    today, to be who we are. The most complete knowledge possible
    about this present is the justification, the raison
    , the essence of history. But, in any
    event, neither do I believe that the search for this generic
    usefulness should worry us when it comes to undertaking and
    carrying out research. Historical research is a question of a
    desire for knowledge, rather than a search for usefulness, even
    if the uses are of a noble order. I am afraid that it is an
    ontological question, a matter of principle. But the fact is
    that, also, if we did not act in this way, we would run the risk
    of conducting a zielorientierte Forschung – in other
    words, research dominated by a specific objective, with the risk
    of our biasing it without realising we are doing so.

    5. The temptation of undervaluing the study and
    description of events.

    Partes: 1, 2

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