Accion de tutela ensayo

1501 palabras 7 páginas
Name:__________________________Grade:______th Date:_____/_____/____

Read the text carefully and say if these sentences are true ( T ) or false ( F ). Correct the false ones.

Bart lives in the U.K. ________
He doesn’t like school. _______
Bart has a dog called “Snowball”.________
He has classes until one o’ clock. ________






Answer the following questions.

What time does Bart get up?
…ver más…

After having breakfast, I go to school in the school bus. My first lesson starts at eight o’ clock. I have classes until midday. Then I have lunch at the school canteen with my friends. After having lunch, I have classes until four o’ clock and I arrive home around a quarter past four. From half past four until six o’ clock I usually do my homework. After that I go skateboarding with my friends until half past seven. At eight o’ clock, I have dinner with my friends and around half past nine I go to bed.
What about you? Tell me about your daily routine!

Best wishes,


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