Maus tratos contra idosos

9839 palavras 40 páginas
Sistema de Ensino Presencial Conectado


O Idoso e sua luta por uma vida digna
Maus Tratos Ao Idoso

Mogi das Cruzes


O Idoso e sua luta por uma vida digna
Maus Tratos Ao Idoso

Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado à Universidade Norte do Paraná - UNOPAR, como requisito parcial para a obtenção do título de Bacharel em Serviço Social.

Orientadora: Prof.ª Rosane Aparecida Belieiro Malvezzi
Tutora Orientadora: Soraya Aliano Bettinardi Manoel

Mogi das Cruzes

Londrina, _____de ___________de 20___.

Dedico este trabalho primeiramente a Deus que me iluminou por esses anos.
A minha família que sempre me apoiou e me auxiliou nesta caminhada.
…exibir mais conteúdo…

The subject was chosen had the experience of the facts, therefore working with this etária band I have related contact with the daily one. We can enumerate these causes as domiciliary, familiar and institucional violence. To analyze the reason happens such violence’s and abuses against the aged ones. We use based the qualitative and quantitative research in the Statute of the Aged one. The method of this research was Documentary; Bibliographical instrument and. The violence’s against aged are more including and spread in the country, proving itself in physical, psychological, sexual and financial abuses and in you neglect. The main aspects that we notice in this research are the form of as the violence happens daily, without punishment. Another aspect says respect to the large-scale aging, the country not yet is prepared to receive this population. We analyze the population growth, the profile of the aged ones forcene, types of violence’s, abuses and finally the agencies that fiscalize this demand. Cases of violence to the Aged one arrive at the CERIM through neighbors and known, the interesting one it is that the aged ones fear to speakr on the subject retaliation from fear. We conclude that the actions are emergencies that fight, sensetize and educate the people


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