Pim projeto integrado multidisciplinar - unip

1535 palavras 7 páginas
UNIP Universidade Paulista
Projeto Integrado Multidisciplinar
Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

Inclusão Digital Escolar para Autistas

Campus Marques
Projeto Integrado Multidisciplinar
Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

Inclusão Digital Escolar para Autistas

Nome RA
Antonio Bandeira de Lima A9730A-9
Cristian Pereira da Silva A8417C-2
Jeferson Cesar Marques A750BE-3
Luciano André da Silva A952DE-0
Roberto do Nascimento A27IFD-9
Thiago Oliveira do Nascimento A743CD-6

Projeto Integrado Multidisciplinar
Curso Superior
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A browser designed for children who exhibit characteristics of relationship disorders, such as difficulties in social interaction, impaired communication, restricted interests and repetitive behavior. IDEA can help children with different levels of these disorders.

A special browser, the best Internet environment for children living with autism and other challenges, is a browser designed entirely for children with learning difficulties, providing also that children of any age are able to surf the internet without their parents having to worry with the content they are accessing, which is capable of providing specific content, block unknown addresses and involve younger children with a fun interface, colorful and interactive with different options for fun and learning, children can use it to stimulate all senses and encourage their independence. They can play games, watch videos, listen to music and stories.

Already part of the game has dozens of titles that stimulate children through colors and challenges suitable for their difficulties. There are also dozens of songs with stories. All stimulate interaction with the child, which can control not only the implementation and follow it.

IDEA Browser will not block certain sites, but will provide only what has been previously examined and reviewed by parents and teachers trained. Each new user must create their own profile and an account with an e-mail to have it validated, it is


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