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The racist speech in Peru

Partes: 1, 2

    Ethnic groups in Peru have had a unique cultural and
    historical experience, and different from other experiences of
    other groups. This is not a conceptual blend (mestizos,
    cholificacion, modernization genetics and so on.) Can solve the
    problems of racism and discrimination, if not on historical
    experience and cultural exclusivity of each group and in regard
    to differences in Regarding the diversity of indigenous languages
    and linguistic diversity of Castilian, in respect racial
    diversity-ethnic, gender, labor, and in regard to be different
    sharing the same civil rights, politicians and

    Jorge Yeshayahu Gonzales-Lara

    Despite being a country with a diversity of ethnic and
    multicultural diversity, there is much racism in Peru. Racial
    discrimination is not a novelty. It is a result of a long process
    that has lasted for centuries, which excludes a segment of the
    population on the basis of ethnicity and belittles its cultural
    manifestations. Racism appeared in the nineteenth century Europe
    in order to justify the supremacy of an alleged "race" white on
    the rest of humanity.

    The racism in Peru is a form of discrimination against
    people using racial skin tone, so that some are considered
    superior to others. Racism is so intentionally or as a result,
    the reduction or cancellation of the human rights of those
    discriminated against. Racism is often closely linked and be
    confused with xenophobia, or "hatred, disgust or hostility
    towards foreigners." But there are some differences between the
    two concepts, and that racism is an ideology of superiority,
    while xenophobia is a feeling of rejection; moreover xenophobia
    is directed only against foreigners, unlike racism. Racism is
    also related to other concepts with which sometimes tends to be
    confused, as ethnocentrism, caste systems, classism, colonialism,
    and even homophobia.

    In reviewing our history, we understand how political
    decisions have been taken from an exclusion of the population,
    and different ethnicities to the white (Andean, Amazon, black,
    Creole, Mestizo and other ethnicities). The ethnic group with
    this name refers to a human group that has similar physical and
    biological features, in addition to sharing historical
    traditions, languages, cultures, beliefs and values, and that is
    a group that forms a socio-cultural community forged
    historically. Tribes in Peru have a common evolutionary family
    tree, and sit on relations of kinship and heritage going back to
    distant eras of the past millennium del Peru.

    In 1821, the year in which declared independence, was
    formalized as the national language Castilian, even though they
    only spoke what 10% of the population, which clearly indicated
    independence only for the elite. Similarly, indigenous
    communities were disappearing, leaving landowners to take their
    land, pushing them to a kind of feudal system and paternalistic.
    The differences are abyss when it denied political participation
    to indigenous people. Only landowners, directly related to the
    oligarchy, had access to matters of power. The European

    the picture does not change: the migrants were absorbed
    by families Creole, incorporating them into their

    Throughout the twentieth century, there were changes in
    Peruvian society to become a centralist country. This generated
    overpopulation of Lima, which forced the authorities to exercise
    certain measures to prevent further migration field-city (one of
    them originated among some congressmen, who presented the idea to
    build a wall or toll, which obstruct immigration Andean ).Thus,
    racism is intensified in Creole Lima, who distanced themselves
    from their aboriginal languages.

    The twentieth century not only meant in Peru our
    incorporation into capitalism as a country and an economy
    dominated neocolonial, but also began a series of racist speeches
    by many intellectuals of aristocratic origin. José de la
    Riva Agüero and Osma, Victor Andres Belaunde, Alejandro
    Deustua, Francisco Garcia Calderon and Honorio Delgado, among

    For Riva Agüero Indian lived secretly in a position
    hostile and vindictive; Deustua for the Indians were unhappy poor
    and illiterate, whereas Delgado became a supporter of Nazism
    (Yarasca 2003).

    The issue of identity and peruanidad it has been
    extremely contentious in the social history of Peru. Certainly
    from the "independence" of Peru one of the characteristics of
    constant thought and Peruvian political projects was the denial
    of the past and traditions of Peru as a multiethnic nation in
    order to introduce new models of society.

    The nineteenth century liberalism of the past reneged
    Hispanic from the outset and tried to recreate the legal and
    political models of American and French revolutions in a
    radically different reality.

    Probably the utopianism of formalistic intellectual
    elites and their inability to create adequate institutions to the
    social reality of the country was one of many causes of the
    constant conflict between the legality of the Peruvian state and
    the real power exercised by the warlords.

    Subsequently the positivists, among which stressed
    Javier Prado, in addition to pose a dark approach of the past
    virreinal racist outlined a vision of the indigenous population
    based on social Darwinism. For them the past should be overcome

    the ideals of order and progress taking as paradigms to
    Anglo-Saxon and Germanic peoples.

    The Peru was seen as a people sick and one of the main
    causes of this disease was the race. Only the immigration of
    "superior races" and the introduction of a new educational model
    could make the country achieve the transition from barbarism to

    Partes: 1, 2

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