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  1. Introduction
  2. Infidelity in marriage
  3. Consequences of infidelity
  4. Recommendations in case of a crime
  5. How to avoid infidelity?
  6. Conclusion


     In this presentation I will offer information about infidelity. This is a very difficult situation in which a couple goes through, it can sometimes arise from the routine and boredom of life. A general level of infidelity arises for wanting to try new experiences that motivate both men and women.

     In regard to the life of a couple in marriage, we will see that today, infidelity arises for these and many other causes that are caused by both the external environment, as both members of the relationship.


     Recognizing the significance of infidelity in marriage, the possible causes and consequences. Signs of a person committing infidelity.

Infidelity in marriage


     Infidelity is defined when a couple breaks the pledge of allegiance am contracted. It is a betrayal of a promise made by the couple, in love only that person.


Spot Infidelity – based only on sex and relatively easy to hide.

Engagement Infidelity – It is durable and the emergence of a stable lover, with whom it is a major commitment.


  • Search for new experiences

  • Boredom in the relationship

  • emotional dissatisfaction

  • In retaliation to a former partner infidelity.

Consequences of infidelity

     You lose confidence and affected family is hurt.

The self-esteem of the betrayed is hurt equally.

  You feel emotionally insecure, making you feel you have lost everything that has struggled in the relationship.

     Lost love and sometimes the feeling turns into resentment.

When infidelity occurs, that commitment is broken and yet the image of the couple had changed radically.



  • Spend much time away from home: at work, on the computer or unknown activities.

  • Contingency frequent trips (presumably for work).

  • Speaking by telephone or start having hidden spaces "secrets" when before did not.

  • Email confidential (as before, for example, shared the bill).

  • addressed messages "wrong" email or cell phone text.

  • Avoidance behavior in general.


      Infidelity may arise in a crisis that can lead to depression therefore, treatment for this condition is with antidepressants such as Prozac and clomipramine. Treatment may last 6 to 12 months. We also recommend visiting couples therapy so that both can overcome this momentary crisis.

Recommendations in case of a crime

     You must stay calm and not make hasty decisions. If you discovered your partner must be quiet, wait and then listen to what your partner has to say. If he asks many questions, begin to lie.

     It is advisable to seek professional help (marriage counseling) to continue with the marriage without affecting your life, your emotions, and not rely on well-intended advice from friends.

How to avoid infidelity?

      Maintaining good communication. They must fight daily against the habit and routine. Show your partner often a cheerful and jovial but sometimes labor costs. Make your partner feel how important it is for you and express your love everyday.

     Dedicate a portion of their energy and time to their partner. Look for topics of interest between them and not confined to the home and family. Look intimate moments. Remember to be picky with your partner.


  • Infidelity is defined when a couple breaks the pledge of allegiance am contracted.

  • The most common causes of this are: Search for new experiences; Boredom in the relationship dissatisfaction emotional infidelity as revenge to a former partner.

  • The record consequence of infidelity is Make your partner feel how important it is for you and express your love every day the loss of the relationship with the partner and confidence of this.

  • Sometimes trauma can be so strong that drug required to overcome it.

  • The easiest way to avoid infidelity is to make the couple feel how important it is and express love everyday.







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