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Translation in the est syllabus

Enviado por roilber


    2. Body
    3. Conclusions
    4. Recommendations
    5. Bibliography
    6. Appendix


    English influences notably over scientifical and
    technical terms, so, together with the discovery of the new
    technical solution, the English word to name
    it is accepted. On the other hand, Cuban results in the
    scientific field should be communicated to the rest of the
    countries and, for this purpose, the English language is the most
    used all over the world. The future engineer or architect needs
    to know how to translate because the language flexibility belongs
    to the field of reason and human sensitivity and it can't be
    achieved by a "translating machine". This work deepens into
    translation exercises to get a right reading comprehension and an
    improvement in writing due to the fact that it is included in the
    EST Syllabus at Cuban universities.
    English influences notably over scientifical and technical terms,
    so, together with the discovery or the new technical solution,
    the English word to name it is accepted. On the other hand, Cuban
    results in the scientific field should be communicated to the
    rest of the countries and, for this purpose, the English language
    is the most used all over the world. The future engineer or
    architect needs to know how to translate based on the fact that
    the language flexibility cannot be restricted to a mold because
    it belongs to the field of reason and human sensitivity and this
    is not possible to be achieved by a "translating machine".
    Translation is included in the EST Syllabus at Cuban
    universities: from English into Spanish due to the reason that
    the students have" to read authentic texts in books or magazines
    with the help of dictionaries"and from Spanish into English so as
    "to reinforce grammar" as well as be able to develop guided
    writing and, in a lesser extent, free writing. Many times, the
    teachers do not take into account the advantages of training
    their students with the two variants and how much they influence
    in the good achievement of other language skills.
    The objective of this work is to deepen into translation
    exercises to get a right reading comprehension and an improvement
    in writing.

    2. Body

    A group of tasks were developed in order to design the
    translation exercises to attain an acceptable level in this
    activity from both sides: from English into Spanish and from
    Spanish into English.
    Among these TASKS are:

    • -careful REVISION OF THE LESSON PLANS devoted to
      translation so as to improve the quality of the exercises and
      the number of lessons
    • -analyses of the students' MOST COMMON MISTAKES IN
      TRANSLATING to determine the topics to be dealt with based on
      their real needs
    • -RECYCLING OF THE STUDIED CONTENTS whenever possible
      in any lesson
      the students to translate important concepts of their major in

    After doing this, the exercises were prepared and
    inserted in different lessons according to the students' level
    and subjects.
    Some of the selected TOPICS were:

    • personal
    • -passive voice
    • -the -ing ending
    • -use and omission of the article
    • -noun modification
    • -initials, among others

    They were selected according to Antich's criteria(l98l:
    ) and to these students' special difficulties based on empirical

    Examples of PRACTICED EXERCISES are:

    • l. From english into spanish:

    Objective: familiarization with the concept of pragmatic
    equivalence and developing of the skill of rendering information
    in the students' mother tongue while practicing analytic
    a. Translation of sentences with special difficulties; some of
    them included in technical texts, some others prepared ad
    -Housing is a social problem (gerund, omission of the article and
    noun modification)
    -Liz has just received her D.ARCH. degree (use of HAVE,
    scientific initials and possessive adjective)
    -…providing the inhabitant with more than a minimum of
    sufficient living environment(-ing forms in different grammatical
    -Niemeyer, having assimilated the fundamental principles and the
    planning technique of Le Corbusier, was able to enrich this
    required experience by giving to basic forms a new and surprising
    meaning (idem)
    -Civil Engineering deals with many interesting subjects
    (semi-cognate words)
    -The Bachelor degree is obtained when finishing college (false
    cognate words, passive voice and -ing forms)
    -We have had many English lessons this semester (different uses
    of HAVE)
    -When a person was born in Cuba, he is
    said to be Cuban (infinitive passive voice)
    -Masonry construction was revolutionized by the Roman discovery
    of concrete in the 2nd Century (passive voice, use and omission
    of the article)

    b. Translation of short texts and paragraphs with
    special difficulties; some of them included in technical texts,
    some others in general texts:
    -A live language is like a plant in evolution. A word dies and is
    forgotten and a new word is born in the language. If a group of
    people who speak the same language are forced to live on a desert
    island, their children and grandchildren will change the words,
    expressions, and forms of the language more and more (different
    methods of translating the passive voice).
    -Karl Elliot entered the school of architecture in l983. His
    major was "Urban Studies and Planning". He attended lectures on
    that subject regularly. He found it very interesting. His reading
    on urban planning was intensive. Actually he read all the books
    available on this topic in the library. Furthermore, he bought
    all the books related to this subject in every bookshop. He
    passed his examinations with flyinf colors (that is successfully)
    and in l988 obtained his B.Arch. degree.
    However, he did not say good-bye to his campus…(Page 48,
    Communicating and Reading in English I).
    -Dreams can affect human feelings and lack of them can increase
    anxiety, tension, depression and severe mental diseases. Dream
    research may well lead to new concepts about health and to new
    medical treatments using drugs to manipulate dreams (noun
    -In order to reduce the total erection time and cost of a
    multi-story building, continuous (multi-story) columns can be
    used. This eliminates the work involved in placing one short
    column on top of another and joining them by welding their
    steel-covered ends. Multi-story concrete columns are
    prefabricated in a precasting plant. They are reinforced with
    butt-welded unspliced bars and are cast lying flat on their wide
    side. They are transported to the job site and erected in
    socket-type pedestals (several aspects)

    • 2. From spanish into english:

    Objective: recalling of many grammatical items already
    known by the students and translation of short texts or selected
    sentences for those areas with high contrastive values where
    interference is more likely to occur.

    PREPARED ad hoc:
    -Tengo veinte anos (use of the verb BE)
    -Vivo en Libertad #59,
    Moron, Ciego de Avila (expressing his/her address)
    -La prefabricacion ha contribuido a resolver el problema de la
    vivienda en Cuba (use and omission of the article, use of the
    -Un buen cimiento es la base del exito en una
    edificacion (idem)
    -Durante siglos se suponia que Cristobal Colon habia sido el
    primer europeo en cruzar el Atlantico(introductory passive
    -La piedra era muy empleada en la antiguedad como material de
    construccion(use and omission of the article, noun modification,
    passive voice, gerund)
    -Fidel viajo a la ONU

    b.Translation of technical descriptions about the
    projects including specialized vocabulary:
    -En la elevacion de esta vivienda se usaron muros de carga con
    una cubierta de tejas, ladrillo, cemento y
    granito como principales materiales de
    construccion (passive voice, noun modification, gerund, technical

    c. Translation of data collected by research in the
    students' mother tongue about a given topic:
    -El actual museo provincial "Ignacio Agramonte" fue primero el
    Cuartel de caballeria y luego un hotel (for speaking or writing
    about this)


    The students who were trained with these types of
    exercises are in a better position to understand texts and to
    express their ideas in the foreign language in written form in a
    higher percent according to the frequency of mistakes analyzed in
    quizzes and tests, i. e., their writing is much more
    understandable and accurate, and their reading comprehension is
    quite acceptable to a greater extent.
    As it was stated by Antich (l98l: ), like composition,
    translation is a skill and an art; it is a profession in itself,
    and thus requires specialized study and full-time dedication; but
    the skill element can be developed through practice by architects
    and engineers. It can considerably improve yhe quality of a
    person's capacity for translation, provided he consciously tries
    to develop his linguistic sensitivity at the same


    l.To include both types of translations in those lessons
    that gives the teacher the opportunity to do so, mainly the
    lessons in which grammar aspects that present special
    difficulties are studied.
    2. To have the students translate some definitions,
    classifications, etc. of their major including the suggested
    3. To devote complete lessons to translation combining it with
    any other skill .


    * Antich de Leon, Rosa. English Composition, Editorial
    de libros para
    la educacion, La
    Habana, l98l.
    *Alpizar Castillo, Rodolfo. Traduccion y terminologia cinetifica
    en Cuba, Editorial cientifico-tecnica, La
    Habana, l990
    *Castillo, Mario, et al. Communicvating and Reading in English,
    Volumes l, 2, 3(for Architecture students),ISPJAE, l990
    *English Syllabus for Architecture students, Cuban Higher
    Education Ministry, La Habana, l998.

    6. Appendix

    Translation exercises:
    Analyze the nouns in the following sentences and determine the
    use and omission of articles:
    l. The history of masonry goes back as far as that of
    2.Bricks were apparently first used around 3 500 B.C. by the
    people who lived in what is now Iraq.
    3.The Egyptians developed a stronger mortar of clay and sand.
    4. Masonry construction was revolutionized by the Roman discovery
    of concrete in the 2nd Century.
    5. The moon is far but spatial ships have reached it.
    Translate the following sentences into English. State reasons for
    the use and omission of the articles:
    l. La construccion es un factor determinante para el desarrollo de
    cualquier pais.
    2. Las ventanas de madera no son
    tan duraderas como las de aluminio.
    3. La prefabricacion ha contribuido a solucionar el problema de
    la vivienda en Cuba.
    4. Estamos rodeados por el Mar Caribe.
    5. Un buen cimiento es la base del exito en una edificacion.
    Objective: To practice the use and omission of articles in both






    Clotilde Borras Yero

    University Of Camaguey
    MAY 2002

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