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The Gravitational Fish Tank

Partes: 1, 2

    1. Resumen
    2. Introduction
    3. Design
    4. Experiment
    5. Conclusions
    6. References


    Se diseñó un arreglo experimental
    distinto del de Cavendish, con objeto de verificar la interacción gravitacional entre masas
    distintas; encontrándose: una región de
    repulsión gravitacional; un punto de nula
    interacción; y más allá, una región
    de atracción gravitacional. Se supuso una
    relación universal constante entre el producto del
    cuadrado de las masas de cada planeta por su respectiva
    distancia al sol y se introdujo la idea que el momento angular
    para todos y cada uno de los planetas es
    una constante maxima para el sistema
    solar. Se descubrió que los resultados
    numéricos obtenidos para las masas de cada planeta bajo
    las consideraciones anteriores, son idénticos para cada
    planeta del sistema

    A B S T R A C T

    An experimental arrangement different from that of
    Cavendish was designed with the objective to verify the
    gravitational interaction between different masses. The
    experiment showed a gravitational repulsion area, a point of no
    interaction and a gravitational attraction area. It was
    supposed that there exists a constant universal ratio between
    the product of the square of the masses of each planet and its
    respective distance from the sun, and that the angular momentum
    is a maximum constant for the solar system. It was discovered
    that the numeric results obtained for the masses of each planet
    of the solar system under the above considerations are
    identical for every planet of the solar system.


    1. Isaac Newton
      proposed that every gravitational interaction between two
      bodies with masses M and m, separate by a distance (R )
      between their mass centers will always be of an attracting
      nature and that the attraction force (F) is equal


      Where G represents the universal gravitation


      The arrangement of our experiment is shown on Figure
      1: Gravitational Fish Tank. It consists of a 16 m long, 40 cm
      high and 38 cm wide fish tank Three disks of the following
      masses M = 3.269 Kg; m2 = 0.923 Kg and
      m1 = 0.495 Kg were produced out from three
      one-inch wide wrought iron strips formed to a ring by welding
      of a diameter of 30, 15 and 10 inches.

      A one inch wide wrought iron support was then placed
      perpendicularly on the inner face of each ring. An orifice
      was then drilled on each one of these structures and a 3/8"
      nut welded on it. Finally, each structure was covered with
      mortar by taking care not to obstruct the thread of the nut
      at the inner face of each disk.

      Also, a metallic base made of a ½" thick
      wrought iron plate of 12 x 6" with a strip at the center of
      the square made also out of a ½" wide wrought

      Finally, a screw of two inches in length and 3/8
      inch thread was welded to the center of said base, where
      masses m1 and m2 may be screwed onto
      individually. A styrofoam floating body was included with and
      eighteen by seven inch base and three inches in

      A metal base was placed on this floating body; first
      with m1 and then m2. Along the exact
      center of the fish tank, a metal support was included on
      which M was suspended with an inextensible thread tied to M
      from a two inch screw. Mass M was suspended above the
      tank’s water level (which was 12 cm deep), taking care
      that the center of mass of m1 and m2
      coincide with that of M.

      Finally, a tape with centimeter graduation was
      adhered to the external face of the fish tank.

    3. DESIGN

      When mass m1 approached mass M (from
      either side), gravitational repulsion occurred, such that the
      floating body experienced an acceleration that decreased
      steadily until it reached 2.54 meters; this was the point of
      zero interaction for m1.

      The floating body was then moved away and
      gravitational attraction was observed; again up to exactly
      R01=2.54 meters.

      Mass m2 was then experimented on, such
      that when this body was approached to M, gravitational
      repulsion was observed, similarly to the effect on
      m1, except that the acceleration effect was less
      apparent, reaching 0.73 meters as the point of zero
      interaction of m2.

      The floating body was then moved away and
      gravitational attraction was observed; until again it reached
      R02=0.73 meters.


    Partes: 1, 2

    Página siguiente 

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