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Desarrollo de los ventrículos cerebrales y circulación del líquido cefalorraquídeo

Partes: 1, 2, 3

    1. Resumen (Abstract)
    2. Sobre el
      desarrollo de ventrículos
    3. Sobre
      la fisiología del líquido
    4. Las
      hidrocefalias y otras alteraciones de la circulación del
      líquido cefalorraquídeo
    5. Tipos y
      variedades de hidrocefalias
    6. Sobre
      dos tipos especiales de estos trastornos del sistema
      ventricular y la circulación del LCR
    7. Tratamiento
      de las hidrocefalias
    8. Otras
      alteraciones en la circulación del LCR
    9. Conclusiones
    10. Fuentes
    11. Anexos
      (Artículos cc.)



    The cerebral ventricles stem from the embryonic nervous
    neuroepitelio of the system in development. The cerebral
    ventricles, the aqueduct and the central conduit of the spinal
    marrow are re-dressed by a cap epitelial in cubic cells and
    cylindrical called cells ependimarias. The presence of a
    prolongation is typical basal in these cells epiteliales.

    The lateral ventricles are in the cerebral hemispheres and go
    from the frontal lobe up to the occipital lobe. Cavities
    constitute anfractuosas for the projections in his(her,your)
    interior of more or less pronounced (marked) protuberances of the
    cerebral substance The lateral ventricles, as well as other
    formations (trainings) cavitarias, there are re-dressed entirely
    by cells ependimales that have preserved the own(proper)
    characters of the ectodermal coating of the first periods of the

    Every lateral ventricle reports with the ventricle
    called(named) III by means of Monro's foramen, in such a way that
    the liquid cefalorraquídeo contained in them can cross the
    whole neural pipe. The ventricle III, with an aspect in funnel
    with his(her,your) base up and understood(included)
    between(among) the optical talámos, the fórnix and
    the top coroides he(she) reports with the ventricle IV described
    to level of the bulb by means of Silvio's aqueduct. Of here the
    liquid cefalorraquídeo penetrates to the central channel
    of the epéndimo, to the center of the spinal marrow, which
    reaches up to the level of the vertebra II lumbar.

    Partes: 1, 2, 3

    Página siguiente 

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