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MKTG806 Applied Marketing Strategy

Enviado por Nahum Romero Santana

Partes: 1, 2

    1. Executive
    2. Company Profile
      and Background
    3. External
    4. SWOT
    5. Positioning and
      Customer Analysis
    6. Objectives
    7. Marketing Mix
      and Action Programs
    8. Marketing Mix
      – Low usage mobile market
    9. Financial
    10. Implementation
      Controls and Monitoring
    11. Monitoring and
      Contingency Plans
    12. References
    13. Appendices

    Semester 1, 2005 – Lecturer: Lawrence

    Strategic Marketing Plan

    Telstra – FY 2006

    Mobile Telecommunication Services


    A highly profitable area within the Telstra Group,
    Telstra"s mobile telecommunication services division continue to
    play a growing role in the achievement of strong performances. In
    fiscal year 2004, the mobile
    division contributed a significant 17 percent towards the total
    sales revenue of Telstra. Although the total mobile
    telecommunication market has increased by 48 percent in the past
    five years, the competition amongst the major players of this
    industry continues to be fierce. To maintain its current dominant
    market position, Telstra must identify growth opportunities and
    respond to the rapid changes in consumer behaviour and
    technological developments of the industry.

    The following four SBU objectives are to be achieved in
    the upcoming fiscal year: (1) Continue to grow mobile revenue by
    12 percent (2) Continue to provide innovative products and
    services based on Telstra mobile networks (3) Differentiate and
    build on brand value (4) Maintain market leader position and
    market share of 45 percent.

    These four objectives will be achieved by targeting two
    important market segments, namely the low usage and the
    technologically sensitive and high usage markets. For the low
    usage segment, Telstra will focus on retaining existing
    SMS/prepaid subscribers via loyalty programs and growing the
    number of new subscribers through differentiating and branding
    strategies. In the technologically conscious and high usage
    sub-segment, Telstra will commence penetrating into the market
    share of existing providers (Hutchison 3) and reap the benefits
    of being the first leading major company to expand its offering
    of services and products supported by the new 3G wireless mobile technology.
    This will be achieved through a series of marketing campaigns and
    other promotional activities.

    The overall outcome from these proposed strategic plans
    will be to achieve a healthy 12 percent growth in sales revenue
    in the upcoming fiscal year. The estimated costs and marketing
    expenses of year ending 2006 will mainly be devoted to promoting
    the new 3G supported products and services to achieve the
    objective of becoming a dominant player in this new sub-market
    prior to competitors" entry into this market. Proposed action
    plans relating to the marketing mix of both target
    markets are also discussed in this report.

    1 Company Profile and

    Telstra is regarded as Australia"s dominant
    telecommunications and information services provider with a vast
    range of products and services that are marketed to the private,
    business and government sectors locally and internationally. Its
    main services include:

    • Fixed line telecommunication access to residences
      & businesses throughout Australia

    • Incoming / Outgoing telephone calls within Australia
      & internationally

    • Mobile telecommunication services

    • Data transmission & internet services

    • Telecommunication & internet management services
      for corporate customers

    • Wholesale services to other telecommunication
      carriers / service providers

    • Advertising / Directory / Information

    • Cable distribution for FOXTEL"s subscription
      television services

    The ownership and control of Telstra is unique in
    that the Australian Federal Government controls 51.8% of Telstra
    shares, while at the same time, the company is listed on the
    Australian Stock Exchange (TLS). However, it is anticipated that
    the sale of the government"s remaining stake in the company will
    likely occur in 2006.

    During the last fiscal year, Telstra reported sales
    revenue increase of 1.2% to $20,737 million and its net profit
    (EBITDA) continued to grow by 10.96% to $10,175million as report
    in Telstra"s Annual Report 2004. The company has also maintained
    its market leader position, with significant market share in the
    majority of its product and services (see Appendix

    Partes: 1, 2

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