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Caesar Cipher Dialog v1.0 in Qt 4

Enviado por Jaime Montoya

Partes: 1, 2

    1. Description of the
    2. Solution

    Description of
    the project

    CPE 353-01 Software Design and
    Engineering, Fall 2009

    University of Alabama in

    Project #1 (10 points) – Caesar
    Cipher Dialog v1.0

    1. Assignment Due Date 09/18/2009 by

    2. Assignment Description

    Manually code a Qt4 dialog that will allow
    one to encrypt or decrypt a word using a
    Caesar Cipher. With a Caesar Cipher, an integer key value is used
    to specify the amount of shift between the plaintext and
    ciphertext alphabets. For example, assume that the key value is

    To encrypt a plaintext word, substitute
    each plaintext letter from the word with the corresponding letter
    from the ciphertext alphabet. In this case, "hello" would become
    "jgnnq". Decryption works in the opposite direction – from
    ciphertext alphabet back to plaintext alphabet.

    The dialog should display one
    QSpinBox and two QLineEdit widgets (with matching
    labels). The spin box specifies an integer value that indicates
    the desired alphabet shift (encryption/decryption key) for the
    Caesar Cipher. One line edit will be used to input or display the
    plaintext (unencrypted) word, and the second line edit will be
    used to input or display the ciphertext (encrypted) word. All
    line edits should be limited to lower case letters only, and the
    maximum number of input characters is 26.

    Three QPushButtons will be needed on this
    dialog. The Quit button to allows the user to terminate
    the program, and the Clear button allows the user to erase
    all text content in the plaintext and ciphertext line edits . The
    third button changes between encryption and decryption modes. In
    addition to changing the operating mode, pressing of the third
    button updates the key label and third button text (see
    examples on following page) to reflect the current

    When in encryption mode, one may only type
    in the plaintext line edit – the ciphertext line edit
    should not allow typing. Instead, as one types in the
    plaintext edit, the encrypted characters appear in the ciphertext
    edit. When in decryption mode, one may only type in the
    ciphertext line edit – the plaintext line edit should
    not allow typing. As characters are entered into the
    ciphertext line edit, the equivalent decrypted characters appear
    in the plaintext line edit. A change in the spin box value should
    trigger updates in the appropriate plain/cipher text line

    Hint: The text in a line
    edit is stored as a QString. As with C++ strings the [ ] operator
    may be used to index into a QString value to retrieve a QChar.
    The QChar method unicode() may be used to retrieve the unicode
    integer representation of the character.

    You can use this integer representation to
    help you compute the equivalent ciphertext/plaintext character.
    Don't forget to wrap when needed.

    3. Upload all project files (*.cpp,
    *.pro, .h, etc.) to the Angel Dropbox for

    You may develop your product on any
    platform you choose (Linux, Mac OS X,
    Windows), but
    it will be graded on the Linux machine so be sure to verify
    operation on blackhawk prior to

    4. Assignment Constraints

    Widget Restrictions:

    You may only use widgets we have seen thus
    far (Chapters 1-3 or in lecture note examples) or your own
    widgets that you have derived from them.

    Examples: QDialog, QLabel, QLineEdit,
    QPushButton, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QGridLayout, QSpinBox,

    Development Tool

    You must manually code all classes,
    including the GUI code, on this assignment. Youare allowed to use
    qmake to automatically generate project and


    You must manually-generate
    all code for this assignment
    ? no Qt

    You will receive zero credit (0) for
    using Qt Designer on this assignment.

    No memory leaks

    • Your program must be cross-platform
    compatible (Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X).

    You have access to the
    Linux system for development
    and testing.


    This program has been created with this
    version of Qt:

    Open the program, click on File,
    New…, select an Empty Qt4 Project:

    Partes: 1, 2

    Página siguiente 

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