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The contents like component

Enviado por Ernesto Alvarez

Partes: 1, 2

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Development
  4. The Teaching
    Educational Process's Component: Contents
  5. System of
  6. Classification of
  7. Invariante of
    knowledge or nuclei of knowledge
  8. Relations among the
    development of the object of culture and the contents of an
  9. Classification of
  10. Invariantes of the
    System of Abilities
  11. Classification of
  12. The moral values
    in the development of professional
  13. Education in moral
    values in young people with exceptional
  14. Proven to be
  15. Conclusions
  16. Recommendations
  17. Bibliography


The specific objective of the realization of this work,
The Contenido went a deep study about the Process Docente
Educativo's Component, enlarging our knowledge stop than when the
students Let's be able to dominate it and to transmit them,
besides that our work be used as source bibliografíca for
new investigations. Ad hoc we have leant on visitors accomplished
to different classrooms in Sancti Spíritus's of University
Provincial, revision of documents, the specialty's basic texts,
as well as techniques of information technology.


From the beginning of the man's development, a formative
process for a correct evolution happens like a principal need
that he permit him to relate to each other in the society, ad hoc
the obtaining of knowledge became essential, abilities, moral
values that only would take shape in a Process Docente Educativo.
Pedagogy is the science that has like object of the
aforementioned study process, this allows us to direct
scientifically the education, instruction and development of the
townspeople of a city to achieve its more lofty

He is the society hence he needs capable human resources
to perform this science, the importance of the knowledge of the
components of the Process Docente Educativo, his deepening and

The specific objective of the realization of this work,
The Contenido went a deep study about the Process Docente
Educativo's Component, enlarging our knowledge stop than when the
students Let's be able to dominate it and to transmit them,
besides that our work be used as source bibliografíca for
new investigations. Ad hoc we have leant on visitors accomplished
to different classrooms in Sancti Spíritus's of University
Provincial, revision of documents, the specialty's basic texts,
as well as techniques of information technology.

We can say that as of the present moment our country
possesses a great riches in the educational branch thanks to an
ample program of activities that they have gone away, developing
even spaces but complicated not only in our society, but at
different countries that developmental support of his education
has offered Cuba. Some of the programs that have taken effect for
the evolution of our culture the Formación has been Master
Emergentes, Universidad's Cathedras of the Adult Principal, ample
range of offers to PRE-UNIVERSITY STUDENT'S students, offering a
second opportunity to the disassociated for a reason or another
one, the same way that he stops the society in general as the
University is for wholes and Programs in TV, to quote some

Therefore we can assure that it has been significant
since he has had positive aspects in our work, he has helped us
to relate us but with the subject of study, as well as acquiring
knowledge, vocation and abilities that will become of great
utility in our future lifes.


Pedagogy is the science that has like object of study
the formative process. The study of pedagogy permits directing us
scientifically the formation: The school, instruction and the
development of the townspeople of a society to attain heights,
levels of quality and excellence, in mail with the more expensive
interests of that society.

The Pedagogy like science has in his object of study,
laws, beginnings, than wholes they form a system and they are
narrowly related. The same answers to a class-conscious character
and it assumes the position of classrooms as of the present
moment, which is to educate the mission of the school to the man
for life they have a foundation humanist and pedagogic
accompanying all of the transformations that they come over
accomplishing in education.

Scheme 1.

Before making reference to the Process Docente
Educativo's components, we must know the concept of
component. The element becomes of the objective of the process
that is a part of the composition of the same and than in union
of others they form the whole.

The problem, like first component, is the situation that
shows an object and that generates in somebody a need. The
object, the party is reality and bearer of the problem.
The objective is the aspiration that intends to turn out
well in townspeople's of the country formation, in particular new
generations, in order to resolve the problem. In order to attain
the objective, the student must form his thought, to develop his
intervening faculties the dominion of the branch of knowledge,
this the contents is called. Method names which itself in
order to take to end these previous components, lack does a
sequence, a guide,; But in order that this do in mail to the
contents, raisin to play an important role
tuitional the way and this develops by means of
tuitional means and finally the results are
obtained, that he expresses the transformations and that they
were able to reach themselves in school development.

The Teaching
Educational Process's Component: Contents

The contents is a Process Docente Educativo's component,
that he expresses the configuration that this embraces when
specifying within the objective, those necessary and essential
aspects for the fulfillment of the same, than am manifested in
the selection of the elements of culture and his structure so
that the student to attain the objectives must take possession

Partes: 1, 2

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