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Technical foundation level volleyball alimnas take the 5th degree of the IES

  1. Summary
  2. Presentation
  3. Sample
    and methodology
  4. Volleyball
  5. Technical fundamentals of the
  6. Tennis
  7. Statistical design
  8. Results
  9. Conclosión
  10. References


the importance of serve in the current game time, this research
outlines the analysis of it considering it as a complex skill
with different behavioral components, which develops secondary
educational institutions and can be evaluated in terms of its
consequences. This is why we draw the analysis of the actions you
take out in studies centers.
      In Chapter I deals with the
problem description is described everything about the problem and
hence the statement and justification of the problem we also
refer to the objectives. In Chapter II we talk first theoretical
background that gives us this problem and also addresses the one
hand the historical evolution of pull up to remove the definition
of good or service as is known in some literatures. The
methodology used by the execution of the service, besides the
goal is the serve, and we're also trying to kick underhand
underhanded both front and side, we also refer to remove tennis
and finally give some notion of the other technical fundamentals
of volleyball.       In Chapter III
addresses the type and design of research also speaks of the
sample population and the work which also addresses the location
and therefore the description of the population, referred to the
instrument and collection plan Data and statistical design was
employed. In Chapter IV deals with the results of this
investigation and also the conclusion reached. The value for the
IES. Maria Auxiliadora and National Independence: 59.3%, 53.9 are
efficient and a value of 40.7%, 46.1% are error and 18.5%, 7.9%
are effective for all values correspond to serve underhand. The
value for the IES. Maria Auxiliadora and National Independence:
57.5%, 51.5% are efficient and a value of 42.5%, 48.5% are error
and ultimately a value of 15.0%, 3.1% are effective. We compare
the results of this research with other research that comparison,
research training serve in the stage pre-competitive volleyball
in the country of Cuba in the city of Havana, with the average
age 16 years and during this research, the types of serve were
remove floating with a value of 15.5% and strong jumping kick
with a value of 65.8% and insurance with a jumping kick de18
value, 7%.


       The research
board of Education in secondary education level and this research
is to look around the whole student training in physical
education and training in that sport deals with as a means of
developing the capacities of
students.       Volleyball was
created by William Morgan in the year in the city of de1895 C.
Holyoke Massachusetts initially Minonette name, and in the year
1896 took the name of volleyball, and then gave the number of
players, and then gave the rationale for establishing such a good
sport. The throw from the start was only a technical foundation
initiator of a play, but this was their goal to make the first
touch to a play, you can see a set of aces, but only deal with
two types of kick, the kick under the table and tennis serve.
They wanted to determine in these two management serves students
who have every secondary educational institutions, since they are
the easiest to take them out to learn and therefore a good
implementation of these
take.      The investigation was
conducted to determine the level found in the technical basis and
remove underhand throw tennis, and that schools are the future
for the sport of the nation and must work in an optimum way and
reach a good development since the throw today ceased to be only
the beginning of the play, the serve is now one more attack, with
which you can achieve direct point because that is the goal of
every serve today, and why such research was

Sample and

      The research was
conducted in Puno – Peru. Sample was taken as 133 students of
School Mary Help of Christians School and Educational institution
76alumnas National Independence High School, making a total of
209 sample students for this research.According Verhonick, Bunge
and Hernandez the type of research is descriptive, which is to
characterize the study variables based on observation of them and
lets us know the technical foundation level
kick-volleyball.According to Sanchez and Reyes is comparative
research design, which is structured to establish the differences
of the two research groups based on the observed variables. The
technique used for the gathering of data was by direct
observation for assessing the technical foundation to


      Volleyball or simply is
a sport where two teams face off on a field separated by a
central network, trying to pass the ball over the net to the
opposite field soil. The ball can be touched or driven with clean
shots, but can not be stopped, restrained, detained or escorted
each team has a limited number of touches to return the ball to
the opponent usually hits the ball with hands and arms, but also
with any other body part one of the most unique characteristics
is that volleyball players have to be rotating their positions as
they earn points, we can mention volleyball lo types of school
such as volleyball, that of competition, also and highly
competitive beach volleyball last mentioned (INEF, Zambrano,

fundamentals of the service

      Basically remove all
must meet three criteria: safety, accuracy and effectiveness as
if you have them, otherwise difficult reception and therefore the
construction of the attack, the subsequent defensive action
favoring the serving team. The serve must be a well-kept playing,
as is often observed at the time of fault, producing a negative
psychological effect on the team, in the same way that would
considered the inability to score points there without the
possession of it. There are as stated above, several techniques
for the execution of the service. What follows is the description
and the throw of the tennis serve (Carvajal and Regulus,
1990).      The draw has produced,
in modern volleyball, a great relevance. Not only because through
it you can win a point, but lose it in favor of our opponents.
Each point begins with a kick of the ball from behind the
baseline. He throws the ball into the air and knocks the opponent
looking for weaknesses in the opponent's defense. It can be done
standing or jumping. Orientation is important to remove because
the opposing player, who is forced to receive the shot, is
limited to participate in the next attack. Can remove the service
or put the ball in play. Its main objective is to try to hinder
the construction of the opposing team's attack or to achieve a
direct both. There are different types of serves, differentiating
between them mainly by the shape of stroke and the trajectory
described by the ball. "The serve is one of the most emotionally
charged moments and most difficult of the game, because while the
server is in absolute possession of the ball, is also the focal
point of attention of all" (Selinger and
Ackerman).      The meaning of the
snaps at its source lay only in the action of putting the ball in
play. In the course of time developed as weapons of attack for
the equipment and essentially influenced the success. The aces
are the first link in a chain of actions in the game and with
them the initiative of the team that owns it. With the kick start
the offensive play.3.1 .- THE SERVICE THAT

      The service is the
first element of play and any play KII remove all must meet three
basic characteristics: Accuracy Security Effectiveness. If you
meet these characteristics, the service may otherwise hinder the
reception building and therefore the attack, encouraging further
defensive action of the serving team.


      Depending on the
category or level, the snaps will have different objectives:
initiation: the ball put into play to enhance learning of other
technical actions. In competition: the first element of attack is
used as a first option to get the point, or as a means to reduce
the chances of attack of the enemy, causing poor reception. It is
the act by which the ball comes into play and makes the player
standing in the service zone of his court. You must be careful
when making the throw, not to step on the end line, or pull out
of the area, take care in their proper execution, trajectory, and
velocity. The service: In addition to starting the game, has
become an offensive player before taking over 5 seconds to focus
and get better profit in the service.3.3 .- TAKE IN

the ball slightly tilt your body forward, front, hold the ball
with his left hand up to the knee. The other hand comes with
momentum back and forth and hit the ball at the base of it, but
when hitting the ball, it must be in the air and hold it at the
time of strike, can go out after two or three steps forward
(Yamamoto ken ji).      It is used
only in the early learning and feature by giving children the
idea of ??the beginning of the game and allows regulatory
fashion, ie with one hand. Learning takes place during the
setting of the open hand that will be used later in the high kick
in the auction. The way of execution from the bottom up, is ideal
because of its upward trajectory, its application in the
initiation, because it allows children to have more time to
travel and to facilitate their
reception.      We should note that
the serve is a ground attack, the perfection of a certain style,
allows the team progress through the points serves, that's why
you have to specialize on a throw to the player according to
their physical, technical and mood.


player is placed in the service zone in front of the net, with
the ball in his hands to his waist, you can drop and hit, and so
can throw up and hit him. The stroke can do steady walk, walking
or jumping, with the condition not to step on the baseline or out
of the service zone. The draw takes place after the referee's
whistle has a maximum of eight seconds to hit the ball. The
step-shaped feet (left front, if right) to the width of the
shoulders. The legs slightly bent. The trunk leaning slightly
forward. The ball is held with the left hand in front of the
player. The other arm is slightly bent behind the
body.      The movement of the ball
meeting begins with the short throw the ball up. Then the right
arm moves forward in a pendulum hitting the ball with an open
hand for his front bottom. After having made contact with the
ball all subsequent movements are a function of enabling the
player to penetrate the ground and take the corresponding area in
preparation for performing the next
action.      The player faces the
field, the opposite foot forward to serving arm and legs slightly
bent. The arm that made the blow should be slightly bent and the
hand must be held with the fingers outstretched. In the opposite
hand that the ball is dropped to the waist. The arm performs the
stroke made a trip back down below, to touch the ball. To balance
the action moves back leg placed forward. Directions: For a
better balance must be made the move to throw the ball with the
hand opposite to that hit. It is very important to the strength
of hands and fingers. The ball is knocked back and down. The
right arm should bring speed, hitting the ball well spread and
the level of the waist. It is very important to release the ball
trajectory is vertical and not forward, because it should not
unbalance the player to hit close to the body, which would bend
the elbow and raise the ball with a vertical path so that would
not pass through the network. Avoid bending forward trying to
keep the body upright.


player is placed in the service zone profile to the network (a
right or left shoulder toward the network), with the ball in his
hands to his waist, you can drop and hit, and so can throw up and
hit him. Hit when you turn the waist, facing the network to
direct the ball to the opposite field over the net. The ball is
hit with one hand or any part of the arm. The underhand serve is
used by novice players and when required place the ball at a
certain position of the opposing team. The foot position is as
follows: one leg forward with flexion and extension at the time
of hitting the ball with his hand or fist bucket type, without
bending the elbow.      Placing the
mesh side facing the sideline of the field. The step-shaped feet,
approximately shoulder width apart, legs slightly bent. The trunk
leaning slightly forward with a little twist to hit the arm. The
ball is held with the left or right hand forward and the opposite
arm is withdrawn back. He throws the ball something up where the
right arm moves laterally from back to front hitting the ball
with an open hand.      To carry
out this type of service, the performer is placed in the
respective area, lateral or perpendicular to the net, with feet
parallel and spaced about the width of the shoulders. The ball is
held against the body with the front hand, then jumps and hits
the ball into the underworld after the other extended arm and
cupped hand to the height of the hip performed simultaneously
rotating the waist and step forward with your front foot to
provide ultimate strength and additional (Carvajal and Regulus,
1990).      The player is placed
laterally to the field, hitting arm with firm, slightly stretched
or bent backward, flexed his hand a little, but with the palm
firm. Legs slightly bent. Directions: We performed
identical-backward movement with the arm that is used, then the
leg forward. The ball is played back and down, hitting the waist
level. For starters the action is large and quiet. Alternative
plug the player is lateral to the field, hitting arm is firm and
slightly stretched or flexed, and hand. The movement of scrimmage
is bottom-up imparting a sense of rotation. You have to get the
ball in a high trajectory, drop to the opposite field very
vertical. The accompanying back leg and arm movement goes
forward, reporting to player safety and balance. Directions: The
ball is struck with the palm of your hand. Before performing the
blow of the hand is released, giving the touch during his short


execute the player stands in front of the net with feet parallel
and with the ball held with both hands, pull area to a separation
distance of the finish line that basically agrees with the force
that will print to the ball. Then throws the ball with both hands
above head level to a height that allows you to hit him with his
hand cupped and outstretched arm, while give one or even two
steps forward to provide an extra boost and maintain balance the
body.      The blow to the ball
must be in the posterior infero if you wanted to print a rotation
of the ball so that its trajectory is parabolic at center back
when the intention is that the ball takes an uncertain path that
is known remove floating name. In conclusion, we point out that
when a team has the throw for his players must take a certain
position, enabling them to defend themselves without difficulty
the possible counter attack, depending on this position or
employee training system, if you play with player number six (6)
early or late (Zambrano,
1993).      The player should be in
front of the screen, left leg forward, bend your trunk straight.
The ball in the left arm and flexed his right arm loose
throughout the body, left arm releases the ball up and run a
trunk backward rotation. The right arm is raised back. The right
arm is raised upward, carrying the ball is hit over the head with
the cupped hand. Arms outstretched in a whiplash

The player stands facing the field and the
opposite foot forward to serving arm. The arm that made the coup
was folded and placed laterally. With the arm holding the ball
makes a move from the bottom up, releasing air at a height of one
meter. The shoulder rotates on its axis while the arm is fully
stretched by hand to hit the ball. The fingers are stretched and
flexed his hand a little but firm. The leg is ahead after the
coup, also leaning trunk. Directions: The ball is thrown forward
into the air without exceeding the punch. If the ball is thrown
correctly should not be hit, will be repeated again. The ball is
hit with a steady hand. At the rear leg forward in the coup and
get a better balance after carrying it. There are two variants:
One is made with pulse 2 or 3 steps, throwing the ball higher and
retired player. This variant is very difficult, but you get more
power at once. The other is to give effect to the ball giving it
a rotation inside. This kick is performed outdoors in cases that
do much.      It is called this
because the move made by the player in its execution, is similar
to the player to do the service. To execute the player stands in
front of the net with feet parallel and with the ball held with
both hands, pull area to a separation distance of the finish line
that basically agrees with the force that will print to the ball.
Then throws the ball with both hands above head level to a height
that allows you to hit him with his hand cupped and outstretched
arm, while give one or even two steps forward to provide an extra
boost and maintain balance the body. The blow to the ball must be
in the posterior infero if you wanted to print a rotation of the
ball so that its trajectory is parabolic, or at center back when
the intention is that the ball takes an uncertain path that is
known remove the name of floating. When a team has the throw for
his players must take a certain position, enabling them to defend
themselves without difficulty the possible counter attack, or
training that position depending on the system used, if one plays
with the player number six (6) forward or backward.

The tennis serve has a much higher degree
of aggressiveness to the baseline, either floated or parable,
this allows an amount of points per set at lower levels and not
allow full control of the reception at the highest levels, giving
a better chance of blocking and defense, we can now safely say we
will never have a great blocking and defense if we have a great
serve, and controlled the ball with the opposing team can break
our defense. In all the books appear that the scale of demand
levels in the serve comes first: the ball enters the opposing
camp, which is aimed at a particular place in the field and gain
in strength, these items are coming together as the level
increases, but at low levels before the scale is presented feet
parallel, facing the place where you will serve, with the body as
well. Standing against the hand that strikes will be more
advanced. The toe of the leg pointing in the direction of travel
of the ball. Body weight is on the back leg. And the launch is a
slight twisting of the trunk. The ball held in one hand across
the body and on the side arm to be hit. The arm hit the ball
located in a flexed position back and shoulder height. We
launched the ball with one hand for the following reasons: if the
throw with both hands the ball flight will be too high to allow
time for the executive arm to go all the way back and forward
again and get hit in the place at the right time. there is a risk
of throwing on the midline of the body and not on the side of the
arm (hand) so you hit the ball causing a tilt of the body or
bending the arm inward to compensate for the
error.      The ball hits the arm
starts forward and upward journey in search of him, the other
into the air moments before hitting the arm at the place of
impact. At the time of touching the ball, the executive arm is
stretched. Executing hand is a little open, and loose and hits
the ball in the vertical body below the center of the ball. The
hand is stretched over the ball at the stroke and provides a
forward rotation. The ball is hit in the back with a firm hand.
After hitting the back leg accompanying the motion, because the
weight of the body that was located on the back leg is moved to
the front leg.

Once the serve, the player must immediately
fill the position in the field.

       According to
the goals and operationalization of variables of the study,
performed the following analysis:1) Percentage: P

where:x: number of kicks (kick bad to
change it, remove that allows the opponent to build an optimal
attack, which prevents the opponent throw a fit build optimal
return resulting free kick the ball, throw to score point).n:
Sample size (IES Mary Help = 133, IES National Independence =
76)2) one-dimensional and two dimensional tables.We used SPSS
version 12 and Excel spreadsheet.







In Table 08, it was observed that, for the kick under
the table, 59.3% of students of School Mary Help of Christians
School, the rating system is efficient and 53.9% of students at
the National Independence Secondary Institution the rating system
is efficient. 40.7% of students of School Mary Help of Christians
School, the rating system is error and 46.1% of secondary pupils
of the Institution National Independence, the rating system is
error. 18.5% of students of School Mary Help of Christians
School, the rating system is effective and 7.9% of secondary
pupils of the Institution National Independence, the rating
system is effective.       It was
also noted in Table 08, it was observed that, for the tennis
serve, 57.5% of students of School Mary Help of Christians
School, the rating system is efficient and 51.5% of students at
the secondary institution National Independence, the rating
system is efficient. 42.5% of students of School Mary Help of
Christians School, the rating system is error and 48.5% of
secondary pupils of the Institution National Independence, the
rating system is error. 15.0% of students of School Mary Help of
Christians School, the rating system is effective and 3.1% of
secondary pupils of the Institution National Independence, the
rating system is effective.


 The scoring system or assessment
"efficiency, error and efficiency," considered as good and the
snaps that touch the net and fall into the opposite field, not
seen a high level of risk in the execution of the snaps, which is
results are 59.3% efficient in the underhand serve and 57.5% are
efficient in the tennis serve and a value of 40.7% are underhand
throw error and error are 42.5% of tennis and finally take a
18.5% effective underhand serve and 15.0% are effective tennis
serve this for the IES. Maria Auxiliadora. Y e value of the
scoring system is 53.9% efficient is the underhand throw and a
51.5% efficient in the tennis serve and a value of 46.1% are
underhand throw error and 48 , 5% error are tennis and finally
take a 7.9% effective the kick under the table and 3.1% are
effective tennis serve.The level of technical basis and remove
throw underhand tennis between the two secondary educational
institutions is determined by the following values??: The value
for the IES. Maria Auxiliadora and National Independence: 59.3%,
53.9 are efficient and a value of 40.7%, 46.1% are error and
18.5%, 7.9% are effective for all values correspond to serve
underhand. The value for the IES. Maria Auxiliadora and National
Independence: 57.5%, 51.5% are efficient and a value of 42.5%,
48.5% are error and ultimately a value of 15.0%, 3.1% are
effective. We can compare these results of this research with
other research that comparison, research training serve in the
stage pre-competitive volleyball in the country of Cuba in the
city of Havana, with the average age 16 years and during this
research the types of remove remove were floating with a value of
15.5% and strong jumping kick with a value of 65.8% and insurance
with a jumping kick de18 value, 7%.


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Victor Raul Aliaga Mamani

University National Plateau – Puno


Escualo Professional of Education

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