Canasta basica

1603 palabras 7 páginas
The opinion essay simply explains your opinion or ideas about a topic. A well-written opinion essay is an original and provocative piece of writing that goes beyond merely expressing an opinion; it explores the reasons why you, the writer, hold the said opinion.The opinion essay allows you to express, comment and defend your ideas, or, if you so decide, to debate and dispute ideas that are contrary to what you think. | The “Yes” / “No” Plan
The first thing you need to do when writing an opinion essay is define a point of view, that is, decide whether you agree or disagree with a postulate. You position regarding a topic determines, from the beginning, the shape your essay will have. If you have a favorable opinion concerning a topic,
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Technology has made housekeeping duties less gruesome and time consuming.

2. With technology, traveling long distances has become a matter or hours, even minutes.

3. Information and knowledge move at tremendous speeds. (Topic Sentence) | Information and knowledge move at tremendous speeds. With telecommunications, information travels instantly. Immediacy has become the sign of our times: what happens anywhere in the world is known in seconds around the globe. For example, an earthquake that takes place in the morning in Chile, is in the news broadcasts at noon everywhere in the world. Knowledge also travels and becomes available in a matter of seconds. Documents posted on the Internet can be checked within seconds of posting. Access to knowledge is easier. There are even intellectual communities on the Internet where experts and knowledgeable people share their know-how, expertise and ideas in free-access virtual spaces | |

“No” Plan

Thesis: I think technology has made our lives more complicated.

As with the “yes” plan, for each body paragraph under the “no” plan you will have the following: Topic Sentence
Argument or reason 1
Argument or reason 2
Argument or reason 3
Argument or reason 4, etc…
Concluding sentence | | Supporting details: facts, descriptions, examples, personal experience | | | Following are three possible topic sentences for our body paragraphs under the “no” plan:

1. With the advances

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