Direccion e integracion en la administracion

1452 palabras 6 páginas


MOSHAB Approved

December 1997

Document No: ZED569LF

Department of Minerals and Energy Document No. ZED569LF

Underground Ventilation (Metalliferrous Mines) Guideline


FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................... 2


INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... 3


LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS (WA) ................................................................ 4


DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................ 4 3.1 3.2
…ver más…

Oxygen reduction may also take place due to recirculation of ventilating air where diesel engines are operating, and in unventilated areas where "standing" water is present.

It is essential to maintain levels of temperature, humidity and air velocity in the workplace such that employees do not suffer detriment to health from exposure to extremes of heat, humidity or cold.

Of equal importance to the maintenance of a healthy working environment underground is the need to protect employees against the risk and the consequences of underground fires and unplanned explosions, including sulphide dust ignitions.

Correct design, implementation and maintenance of mine ventilation is therefore of fundamental importance.

In present day mining, ventilation systems designed and operated to maintain efficient operations will normally enable a high standard of occupational health and safety to be achieved.

Issued: December 1997 Version 1.0

Page 3

Underground Ventilation (Metalliferrous Mines) Guideline

Department of Minerals and Energy Do c u m e n t N o . Z E D 5 6 9 L F



The Mines Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995 has many requirements that apply to issues referenced in this guideline. Listed below are the regulation numbers and the short reference labels, the full text should be read in order to fully comprehend the scope of the

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