Por que la gente roba

841 palabras 4 páginas
Biography of John Lennon.
John Lennon was born on October 9, 1940, in Liverpool, England. His father was Fred Lennon, a sailor who left his family to be born John. His mother was Julia Stanley, who, finding himself alone, leaving John with his sister Mimi.

Thanks to his artistic talent gained access to college, to pursue the career of art. There he met Cynthia Powell, whom he married in 1962. They divorced three years later, not before he had a son named Julian.

As a teenager, John Lennon formed his own skiffle band called "The Quarrymen", with whom he acted in school. Shortly after, he met Paul McCartney, who proposed to join the group. This in turn introduced him to George Harrison and John proposed to rename the group 'The

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