Analisis de la petit cabanon

784 palabras 4 páginas
Volumen 5. Número 2
Para citar este artículo:
Raposo, M.; Fuentes, E. y González, M. (2006). Desarrollo de competencias tecnológicas en la formación inicial de maestros, Revista Latinoamericana de
Tecnología Educativa, 5 (2), 525‐537. [ sumario_5_2.htm] Desarrollo de competencias tecnológicas en la formación inicial de maestros.
Manuela Raposo Rivas
Eduardo Fuentes Abeledo
Mercedes González Sanmamed
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Campus As Lagoas s/n
32004 – Ourense ‐ España
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Rúa Xosé María Suárez Núñez, s/n. Campus sur
15782 ‐ Santiago de Compostela ‐ España
Facultad de Ciencias de la
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Los resultados que presentamos en esta comunicación nos permiten conocer la visión de estos futuros docentes sobre el desarrollo de las competencias tecnológicas.
Palabras clave: Formación inicial de docentes, competencias, Espacio Europeo de
Educación Superior.
Abstract: Within the framework of the process of European Convergence, the revision and adaptation of the titles and the design of its curricular structure is considered from the identification of professional competitions, between which are those of technological character. In this context of construction of the European
Higher Education Area it is essential to rethink the university curriculum to be in favour of the mobility of the students, his labor insertion and its learning throughout all the life, as well as to diminish the high abandonment schoolar early
(Fuentes, González and Raposo, 2005). With these referring ones we made an investigation with the pupils of last course of Teaching of the three Galician universities with the purpose of knowing from its perspective, to what extent as much works and favors the development of professional competitions from the different theoretical‐practices subjects that form the curriculum as from the practicum. It is a study developed within the framework of present curriculum of

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