Cuestionario Pagina 429 Del Libro 'Aproximaciones', La Septima Edicion

742 palabras 3 páginas
Nicole Davis
SPAN 3100

Cuestionario de 'Y las Madres, Que Opinan?'

¿Qué cuestión plantea Castellanos en la introducción de este ensayo? ¿De qué lado se coloca la autora? ¿Cree usted que preocupación central de la autora está conforme con el momento histórico actual? Explíquelo.

The ancestral conditions about the unconditional respect to the human life is the question Castellanos first presents. She believes, along with the economists, there is no more room for more lives in today's world. There is not enough food to supports even the present population. I believe that her concern is valid especially in today's world. We are running out of food and resources. It is already hard enough to provide for our own
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The mother has the children. The author turns to the side of affection, love, and intimacy.

Lea con cuidado el párrafo que comienza con 'Al pronunciar la palabra “madre” los señores se ponen en pie, se quitan el sombrero y aplauden, con discreción o con entusiasmo, pero siempre con sinceridad...' ¿Qué tono predomina en ese pasaje? ¿Qué sugiere respecto a la actitud de la autora ante la sociedad?

The pitch that predominates is the fact that the men are giving the mother her moment of glory for creating life, but in fact that is only temporary fame. They are also cursing her in their minds for expanding the population. The author thinks that 'man' is blaming the 'mother', that they think they can fix the problem, and she dislikes that fact.

Como todo apartado de un ensayo, cuya función es exponer lógica y gradualmente la idea central, el segmento que se acaba de comentar tiene como propósito preparar el lector para que acepte las conclusiones de la autora. ¿De qué cosas nos quiere convencer esta?

Catellanos plays on our emotional side. She presents the expanding population as a problem for men, for the politicians and psychologists and sociologists. But then she begins to soften our

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