Actividad semana 3 administración documental

825 palabras 4 páginas
AMSS Applications

Season 2004\05

Introduction 4 1.1 Objective 5 1.2 Concepts 5 1.2.1 CNS-ATM 6 1.2.2 RNAV 7 1.2.3 Free Flight 8 1.2.4 Gate to Gate 9
2 GNSS 10 2.1 Global position constellation 14 2.1.1 Global Position System (GPS) 14 2.1.2 GLONASS 17 2.1.3 Galileo 18 2.2 SBAS 21 2.2.1 WAAS 22 2.2.2 EGNOS 23 2.2.3 MTSAS 25 2.3 GBAS 26 2.3.1 DGPS 26 LAAS 28 2.3.2 RTK 28 2.3.3 GRAS 29 2.3.4 VDL 29 VDL Mode 1 30 VDL Mode -2 30 VDL Mode 3 30 VDL Mode 4 31 2.4 ABAS 31 2.4.1 RAIM 32 RAIM (FD) 32 RAIM (FDE) 33 2.4.2 AAIM 33
3 Communication
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In the transition period it is likely that additional channels will be needed to support legacy installations until all aircraft have the appropriate avionics, further increasing the pressure on the VHF band.

Despite the increased number of channels available in the VHF AM(R)S band with 8.33kHz and the increased use of data communications, the growth in traffic is forecast to outstrip the available VHF spectrum by 2015. Therefore new communications systems with scalable growth capabilities (e.g. CDMA type systems) are being considered. Amongst the candidate technologies are satellite systems.

Satellite communications could play an important role in Europe and other parts of the world to provide communications in areas where it is difficult for terrestrial based systems to offer a service. Additionally satellite systems could provide an alternative communications medium to augment terrestrial systems or to act as a back-up system.

Satellite technology is already being used in support of ATS provision. One example of this is the use of satellite communications to support operational ATS in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. In this area there are many helicopter flights at low level, many of which are beyond coverage of radar or VHF radio communications. Helicopter flights in these areas are required to fit ADS-C equipment and their position is monitored by ATC. This system (known as

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