¿Porque los adolescentes abandonan la escuela

730 palabras 3 páginas
Chloe Ortells

Dali Museum

On February 22nd I went to the Dali museum located in St. Petersburg in Florida, which houses the largest collection outside Europe of the works of the artist Salvador Dali. The three main paintings that caught my attention and that I am going to write about today are “Figure on the Rocks”, “Bather” and “The First Days of Spring”.
The painting “Figure on the Rocks” is a 27 x 41 work of art that was created in 1926. In this painting we see the figure of a women, a robust one, who is laying down on rocks. The colors Dali used in this painting are yellows, oranges, whites, browns and purples, but all of these are in a dark, obscure tone. The materials that were used in this painting are oil and panel. We can
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I believe Dali is trying to show how things in life dissolve and don’t always maintain the same form. This can be seen as figure of speech and also applied to real life. I felt identified with this painting because I’ve lived in three different countries already and it has taught me that nothing stays the same and everything is always changing.
The third painting that I related to was “The first days of Spring”. Created in 1929, and used oil and collage on panel as a media. The size of this painting is 49.5 X 64 centimeters. The colors used in this work of art are very bright, vibrant and happy ones. This shows how spring is a happy time and a moment people enjoy. At the same time we found some figures in the drawing that are painted with dark browns and blacks that prove that Dali was going through some rough and stressful times. We find plenty of forms in the painting, they are small ones but they contrast with the blue background and they create a balance in the drawing. My interpretation of this painting is, as I mentioned before, that Dali just wanted to express his feeling and relieve some stress by painting. He wanted to show how spring is a happy time for everyone. I related to this piece of work because all the colors caught my attention and because it reminded me how sometimes one has to keep living life and the time passes by but some wounds never heal or some past actions from

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