El laicismo y el trabajo en el aula

759 palabras 3 páginas
Sistema de Información Científica
Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

Ramos, A.I.; Herrera, J.A.; Ramírez, M.S. Desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas con aprendizaje móvil: un estudio de casos Comunicar, Vol. XVII, Núm. 34, 2010, pp. 201-209 Grupo Comunicar España
Disponible en: http://redalyc.uaemex.mx/src/inicio/ArtPdfRed.jsp?iCve=15812481023

Comunicar ISSN (Versión impresa): 1134-3478 info@grupocomunicar.com Grupo Comunicar España

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Recibido: 28-05-09 /
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Además se encontró que aunque los estudiantes no están conscientes de ello, los recursos mLearning y el uso de dispositivos móviles los apoyan en estrategias que promueven el desarrollo de las habilidades cognitivas como solución de problemas, toma de decisiones, pensamiento crítico, pensamiento creativo y «melioration».


This article presents a multiple case study carried out when mobile learning (mLearning) was first introduced to 3.000 freshmen of two university campuses in Mexico. The objective was to analyze mLearning resources in four courses to identify how they help develop cognitive skills in students. Focus group interviews, surveys, document analysis and non-intrusive observation were used. The data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively in order to link the results and the theoretical information within the two variables that guided this study: mLearning and cognitive abilities. The results show that by using mLearning resources it changes the learning environment by converting any setting into a collaborative and innovative environment. Results also show that the design of mLearning resources must be based on educational theories and strategies to be effective, and also the nature of the subject and resource type are related to the developed cognitive abilities. Also it was found that although

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