Josefa ortiz de dominguez in english flag content

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Josepha Ortiz de Dominguez
Doña Josepha Ortiz de Dominguez (September 8, 1768 – March 2, 1829) was a conspirator and supporter of the Mexican War of Independence, who fought for independence against Spain, in the early 19th century. She is frequently referred to as "La Corregidora".
Early life
Ortiz de Dominguez was the daughter of Don Juan José Ortiz; a captain of "Los Morados" regiment, and Doña Manuela Girón in Valladolid (present-day Morelia). Her father was killed in a battle early in her infancy and her mother died soon after. Maria Sotero Ortiz, Josepha’s sister, took care of her upbringing and managed to secure a place for her in the prestigious College de las Vizcaínas in 1789. She married Miguel Dominguez, a frequent visitor
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He imprisoned Ortiz de Domínguez in her room to prevent her from exchanging information with her fellow conspirators.
The rebels had a large following, and Ortiz de Dominguez eventually managed to get a warning out through the town mayor, Don Ignacio Pérez. The news allowed the leaders of the conspiracy to abandon the town and prompted Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla to declare war against the Spanish colonial authorities, in which he made a speech to his followers

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    1255 palabras | 6 páginas